How to Grow Your Penis Naturally - No More Surgery or Devices
Almost all men are interested in increasing the size of their penises.
Penis enlargement is not a myth any more.
As a matter of fact, there are safe and effective ways to add inches to your penis.
Men have been interested in penis enlargement since ancient times.
Various methods such as pumps and weights have been in existence since a long time.
However, they are not known to be effective.
As a matter of fact, such methods can result in erectile dysfunction.
What is worse is that they can damage your erectile tissue permanently and make you impotent for life.
Penis stretching devices or extenders are proven to work.
However, medically proven devices are expensive.
Yet another problem is that you need to wear a device for at least 2-4 hours a day.
Most men find it really difficult to do so.
Apart from that, local or cheap devices can result in penile injury and can make you suffer with erectile disorder.
One of the best and most effective ways of penis enhancement is with the help of natural penis pills.
If you are thinking that penis pills are good just for erections, you need to think again.
Natural penis pills have come a long way.
Some of the latest ones contain ingredients like Deer Antler Velvet that contain powerful growth factors like Insulin Growth Factor IGF1.
Combining Deer Antler Velvet with other natural ingredients like tribulus terrestris, l-arginine, ginkgo biloba etc.
stimulates penis growth.
Clinical trials have shown that men have been able to gain up to 3 inches by taking such pills for a few months.
It is not surprising since such pills increase both growth hormone and testosterone production in your body and create conditions similar to puberty when your penis experienced major growth.
Though such pills work by themselves, you can combine them with penis exercises called Jelqs and Squeezes to further speed up size gains.
These exercises are fairly easy to do.
There are a lot of free exercise programs that you can download and learn how to do these exercises with the help of video and photo illustrations.
Apart from increasing your penis in size, such pills can also help boost the rigidity of your erections.
They are a great help for men who suffer with poor libido or erectile dysfunction.
Herbs such as tribulus terrestris, long jack, ginkgo biloba, muira pauma, maca etc.
are powerful vassolidators.
Horny goat weed or epimedium sagittatum is another ingredient used in such pills that is excellent for increasing nitric oxide production in your body.
Nitric oxide plays a vital role in increasing blood flow to the penis.
This is because it helps smooth penile muscles relax so that blood vessels that supply blood to the penis can expand or dilate resulting in increased blood flow to the erectile tissue.
What it means is that they help increase blood flow to the penis resulting in harder and stiffer erections.
It is important to note that nitric oxide production begins declining with age and a drop in its secretion leads to erectile failure.
Such pills not only increase rigidity of your erections and make erectile dysfunction a thing of the past but also help boost your staying power so that you can last longer in bed.
The beauty of these pills lies in the fact that they are safe and free of all kinds of side effects.
Furthermore, they ensure complete sexual enhancement for men.
Such pills also help reduce your refractory period so that you can get a hard and stiff erection soon after ejaculation.
So, if you want to get a bigger and harder penis, check out the Best Penis Pills that have been getting excellent user feedback
Penis enlargement is not a myth any more.
As a matter of fact, there are safe and effective ways to add inches to your penis.
Men have been interested in penis enlargement since ancient times.
Various methods such as pumps and weights have been in existence since a long time.
However, they are not known to be effective.
As a matter of fact, such methods can result in erectile dysfunction.
What is worse is that they can damage your erectile tissue permanently and make you impotent for life.
Penis stretching devices or extenders are proven to work.
However, medically proven devices are expensive.
Yet another problem is that you need to wear a device for at least 2-4 hours a day.
Most men find it really difficult to do so.
Apart from that, local or cheap devices can result in penile injury and can make you suffer with erectile disorder.
One of the best and most effective ways of penis enhancement is with the help of natural penis pills.
If you are thinking that penis pills are good just for erections, you need to think again.
Natural penis pills have come a long way.
Some of the latest ones contain ingredients like Deer Antler Velvet that contain powerful growth factors like Insulin Growth Factor IGF1.
Combining Deer Antler Velvet with other natural ingredients like tribulus terrestris, l-arginine, ginkgo biloba etc.
stimulates penis growth.
Clinical trials have shown that men have been able to gain up to 3 inches by taking such pills for a few months.
It is not surprising since such pills increase both growth hormone and testosterone production in your body and create conditions similar to puberty when your penis experienced major growth.
Though such pills work by themselves, you can combine them with penis exercises called Jelqs and Squeezes to further speed up size gains.
These exercises are fairly easy to do.
There are a lot of free exercise programs that you can download and learn how to do these exercises with the help of video and photo illustrations.
Apart from increasing your penis in size, such pills can also help boost the rigidity of your erections.
They are a great help for men who suffer with poor libido or erectile dysfunction.
Herbs such as tribulus terrestris, long jack, ginkgo biloba, muira pauma, maca etc.
are powerful vassolidators.
Horny goat weed or epimedium sagittatum is another ingredient used in such pills that is excellent for increasing nitric oxide production in your body.
Nitric oxide plays a vital role in increasing blood flow to the penis.
This is because it helps smooth penile muscles relax so that blood vessels that supply blood to the penis can expand or dilate resulting in increased blood flow to the erectile tissue.
What it means is that they help increase blood flow to the penis resulting in harder and stiffer erections.
It is important to note that nitric oxide production begins declining with age and a drop in its secretion leads to erectile failure.
Such pills not only increase rigidity of your erections and make erectile dysfunction a thing of the past but also help boost your staying power so that you can last longer in bed.
The beauty of these pills lies in the fact that they are safe and free of all kinds of side effects.
Furthermore, they ensure complete sexual enhancement for men.
Such pills also help reduce your refractory period so that you can get a hard and stiff erection soon after ejaculation.
So, if you want to get a bigger and harder penis, check out the Best Penis Pills that have been getting excellent user feedback