Relationships With Men - Why is it So Complicated to Make Him Commit?
Has your relationship had more than enough time to grow and blossom, but now you don't know how to get him to commit? Is this a part of the relationship that is truly important to you, but you don't know how to get past the defensive wall he's set up? Are you sure you two would be so happy together and you can't understand his reluctance? Men are rarely eager to rush down the aisle.
Understanding why and getting past his fear will help you get that commitment you so desire.
It's sometimes joked about, but it's unfortunately more true than we'd like to admit.
When a man gives himself over to a committed relationship with a woman, a part of him dies.
Too often the woman is far too eager to take over virtually every aspect of his life.
Don't Imprison Him You may have already begun to boss him around and tell him what he should and shouldn't do.
While most men will be okay with a certain degree of control on your part, most of them have a very set limit and if you pass it, they'll retaliate.
Let him be the man you initially fell in love with and try as best you can to accept the little things that aren't exactly perfect.
You can't expect to always have things go your way.
This can quickly lead to resentment from him and the relationship will eventually become bitter and cold.
Where's the Fun? Remember the good times you had when you first met him and recognize the importance of maintaining a certain degree of that fun and excitement.
If life with you has already become a dull chore, there's not much drawing him in.
Also look at the busy life you lead.
It's not busy at all? Perhaps it should be.
You don't want to spend all your time with him, even if you do love being with him.
Both of you need to have time to breathe and at the very least, you need to do things that you find satisfying.
Doing it All Together No, dragging him along to do the things you enjoy isn't a good idea.
Sure if he's into it...
that's great.
But dictating what he should be interested in what you enjoy will only lead to frustration for both of you.
Seeing that you're a vibrant and independent woman who isn't going to cling to him, he'll relax.
Knowing that life will continue to be as fun as can be, he'll be eager to be with you more.
And realizing that you love him for who he is and have no intention of changing him will get him to open up on the question of committing to you.
Understanding why and getting past his fear will help you get that commitment you so desire.
It's sometimes joked about, but it's unfortunately more true than we'd like to admit.
When a man gives himself over to a committed relationship with a woman, a part of him dies.
Too often the woman is far too eager to take over virtually every aspect of his life.
Don't Imprison Him You may have already begun to boss him around and tell him what he should and shouldn't do.
While most men will be okay with a certain degree of control on your part, most of them have a very set limit and if you pass it, they'll retaliate.
Let him be the man you initially fell in love with and try as best you can to accept the little things that aren't exactly perfect.
You can't expect to always have things go your way.
This can quickly lead to resentment from him and the relationship will eventually become bitter and cold.
Where's the Fun? Remember the good times you had when you first met him and recognize the importance of maintaining a certain degree of that fun and excitement.
If life with you has already become a dull chore, there's not much drawing him in.
Also look at the busy life you lead.
It's not busy at all? Perhaps it should be.
You don't want to spend all your time with him, even if you do love being with him.
Both of you need to have time to breathe and at the very least, you need to do things that you find satisfying.
Doing it All Together No, dragging him along to do the things you enjoy isn't a good idea.
Sure if he's into it...
that's great.
But dictating what he should be interested in what you enjoy will only lead to frustration for both of you.
Seeing that you're a vibrant and independent woman who isn't going to cling to him, he'll relax.
Knowing that life will continue to be as fun as can be, he'll be eager to be with you more.
And realizing that you love him for who he is and have no intention of changing him will get him to open up on the question of committing to you.