5 Easy Steps For Healthy and Smoother Skin Naturally
The pursuit of smoother skin is one which many of us want, but it's not always that straightforward! With so much conflicting advice and a huge choice of skin care, it can be quite confusing so here are 5 simple steps to ensure you get the smooth skin you want.
#1 Drink More Water We are composed of around seventy percent water and it is essential for most of the body's vital functions.
Drinking six to eight glasses a day will really help to give you smoother skin and improve its health and texture.
If you use some kind of home filtration it helps to remove the chemicals from the water and helps your body flush out toxins more efficiently.
#2 Exfoliate Regularly This helps to remove the dead skin from the surface and expose the new skin underneath, improving the appearance and stimulates the circulation to bring oxygen rich blood to the surface.
Sensitive areas like your face should be done gently to avoid rashes so using a less abrasive and natural scrub will help to give your skin a natural glow.
#3 Fish Oil Premium fish oils with antioxidants like astaxanthin and lycopene from tomato oil added can help you achieve smoother skin and provide many of the usual health benefits associated with them.
They help to extend the genetic fuse of the cells to reverse the effects of aging and help to repair sun damage too.
They can reduce the roughness by up to 30% and keep your skin soft and more supple.
#4 Avoid Harmful Chemicals While this may sound obvious, it can be quite hard as most creams and lotions today contain them.
These are ones like fragrances, mineral oil and parabens which are cheap to use but are linked to cancer with long term use.
If you check your current range, you will see these chemicals in the ingredients.
They can also cause irritations, rashes and acne break outs.
Other ones to avoid include Toluene, Triclosan, Dioxane and alcohols like ethanol and methanol.
#5 Use Natural Skin Care Smaller, specialized skin care companies can provide some of the very best ingredients, free from any harmful chemicals.
These can stimulate your production of collagen to smooth away lines and sagging skin while provide essential nutrition.
Examples are Phytessence wakame, Cynergy TK, Avocado oil, Crodomol OP and Coenzyme Q10.
Not only can they help you to look younger but also prevent the signs of aging from returning as well.
As you can see, smoother skin is easily attainable by using the right natural ingredients and requires only small changes to your daily routines.
The results can be quite dramatic and help to take years off your appearance while boosting your health.
#1 Drink More Water We are composed of around seventy percent water and it is essential for most of the body's vital functions.
Drinking six to eight glasses a day will really help to give you smoother skin and improve its health and texture.
If you use some kind of home filtration it helps to remove the chemicals from the water and helps your body flush out toxins more efficiently.
#2 Exfoliate Regularly This helps to remove the dead skin from the surface and expose the new skin underneath, improving the appearance and stimulates the circulation to bring oxygen rich blood to the surface.
Sensitive areas like your face should be done gently to avoid rashes so using a less abrasive and natural scrub will help to give your skin a natural glow.
#3 Fish Oil Premium fish oils with antioxidants like astaxanthin and lycopene from tomato oil added can help you achieve smoother skin and provide many of the usual health benefits associated with them.
They help to extend the genetic fuse of the cells to reverse the effects of aging and help to repair sun damage too.
They can reduce the roughness by up to 30% and keep your skin soft and more supple.
#4 Avoid Harmful Chemicals While this may sound obvious, it can be quite hard as most creams and lotions today contain them.
These are ones like fragrances, mineral oil and parabens which are cheap to use but are linked to cancer with long term use.
If you check your current range, you will see these chemicals in the ingredients.
They can also cause irritations, rashes and acne break outs.
Other ones to avoid include Toluene, Triclosan, Dioxane and alcohols like ethanol and methanol.
#5 Use Natural Skin Care Smaller, specialized skin care companies can provide some of the very best ingredients, free from any harmful chemicals.
These can stimulate your production of collagen to smooth away lines and sagging skin while provide essential nutrition.
Examples are Phytessence wakame, Cynergy TK, Avocado oil, Crodomol OP and Coenzyme Q10.
Not only can they help you to look younger but also prevent the signs of aging from returning as well.
As you can see, smoother skin is easily attainable by using the right natural ingredients and requires only small changes to your daily routines.
The results can be quite dramatic and help to take years off your appearance while boosting your health.