The 2 Best Natural Sleep Supplements to Help You Kiss Insomnia Goodbye!
There are many natural sleep supplements you can consume to help you sleep better.
The following are the top 3 nutrients you should include in your dietary supplementation and we'll explain why shortly.
Passion Flower Also known as Passiflora incarnata, it is a flowering plant that is indigenous to an area from the southeast U.
to Argentina and Brazil.
It gets its name from the fact that it reminded the early pilgrims of the suffering (or passion) of Christ.
Passion flower is sometimes referred to as Apricot Vine, Passion Vine, Granadilla, Maracoc and Maypops.
It has been used historically as a tranquilizer and tobacco substitute (among other things).
In addition to having a profound effect on the central nervous system, passion flower also acts as an anti-spasmodic on the smooth muscles of the body, including the entirety of the digestion system, which accounts for its ability to ease and promote digestion.
It is considered by some to be the herb of choice for treating intransigent insomnia.
Passion flower does not have any ill side effects and when used for insomnia results in a restful, relaxing sleep with no grogginess the next morning.
It is non-addictive and can be used in both children and the elderly without complication.
Chamomile You are probably familiar with chamomile tea aka Matricaria camomilla.
Chamomile is now widely cultivated in the United States, Australia, Argentina, Egypt, and northern Africa.
The dried leaves and flowers are commonly packaged as a tea and can be purchased over the counter in both bagged and loose form.
Chamomile has been used throughout the ages as a very effective sleep aid.
It has been administered in a variety of ways including being brewed as a tea and used in a sachet placed underneath a pillow.
Unlike some herbal sleep remedies, chamomile does not have to be used on a regular basis to be effective as a treatment for insomnia.
It can be used on the spot to provide quick relief for sleeplessness and anxiety.
It has been found that chamomile can be especially helpful in relieving the symptoms of mild insomnia (a.
transient insomnia).
Chrysin, a flavonoid component of Chamomile, is the chemical attributed to Chamomile's ability to relieve anxiety and promote sleep.
Chrysin can also be found in Passionflower.
Chamomile is also known to reduce the histamine-based swelling produced by allergic reactions, and is an excellent solution when congested sinuses or food allergies contribute to sleeplessness.
It should be noted that it is not uncommon for Hay fever sufferers who exhibit an allergic reaction to ragweed and its close botanical relatives (such as chrysanthemum and aster) to have a similar reaction to chamomile.
The following are the top 3 nutrients you should include in your dietary supplementation and we'll explain why shortly.
Passion Flower Also known as Passiflora incarnata, it is a flowering plant that is indigenous to an area from the southeast U.
to Argentina and Brazil.
It gets its name from the fact that it reminded the early pilgrims of the suffering (or passion) of Christ.
Passion flower is sometimes referred to as Apricot Vine, Passion Vine, Granadilla, Maracoc and Maypops.
It has been used historically as a tranquilizer and tobacco substitute (among other things).
In addition to having a profound effect on the central nervous system, passion flower also acts as an anti-spasmodic on the smooth muscles of the body, including the entirety of the digestion system, which accounts for its ability to ease and promote digestion.
It is considered by some to be the herb of choice for treating intransigent insomnia.
Passion flower does not have any ill side effects and when used for insomnia results in a restful, relaxing sleep with no grogginess the next morning.
It is non-addictive and can be used in both children and the elderly without complication.
Chamomile You are probably familiar with chamomile tea aka Matricaria camomilla.
Chamomile is now widely cultivated in the United States, Australia, Argentina, Egypt, and northern Africa.
The dried leaves and flowers are commonly packaged as a tea and can be purchased over the counter in both bagged and loose form.
Chamomile has been used throughout the ages as a very effective sleep aid.
It has been administered in a variety of ways including being brewed as a tea and used in a sachet placed underneath a pillow.
Unlike some herbal sleep remedies, chamomile does not have to be used on a regular basis to be effective as a treatment for insomnia.
It can be used on the spot to provide quick relief for sleeplessness and anxiety.
It has been found that chamomile can be especially helpful in relieving the symptoms of mild insomnia (a.
transient insomnia).
Chrysin, a flavonoid component of Chamomile, is the chemical attributed to Chamomile's ability to relieve anxiety and promote sleep.
Chrysin can also be found in Passionflower.
Chamomile is also known to reduce the histamine-based swelling produced by allergic reactions, and is an excellent solution when congested sinuses or food allergies contribute to sleeplessness.
It should be noted that it is not uncommon for Hay fever sufferers who exhibit an allergic reaction to ragweed and its close botanical relatives (such as chrysanthemum and aster) to have a similar reaction to chamomile.