WebMD Sleep Disorders Feature Stories
WebMD Sleep Disorders Feature Stories
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Tools & Resources
- Hot Flashes and Night Sweats
- Jobs That Wreck Your Sleep
- Sleep Aids Q&A
- 10 Ways to Rest With a Cold
- When Nightmares Won't Go Away
- Do You Have Insomnia?
FeaturesRelated to Sleep Disorders
- When You Have Trouble Waking Up
Brian Cyphers has always had trouble falling asleep at a "normal" hour. A few years ago, when the 24-year-old Chicagoan was dozing off between 3 and 5 in the morning and had to wake up at 6:30 to get to his job as a data entry clerk at a lab, he knew it was time to seek help. Cyphers sought assistan
Read Full Article - Can’t Sleep? Adjust the Temperature
Tony Roy is among the 30% of American adults with insomnia-related problems. “I can go to sleep, but I wake up three or four hours later,” says Roy, a 51-year-old philosophy professor at California State University, San Bernardino. When he sought help at the nearby Sleep Disorders Center at Loma Lin
Read Full Article - The Health Risks of Shift Work
In the U.S., about 8.6 million people perform shift work, whether they have a night job or rotate shifts during the week. For many, it's a rite of passage in their careers; for others, it's a financial necessity. But there's a growing sense that shift work could be taking a serious toll on their hea
Read Full Article - When Aches and Pains Disrupt Sleep
For millions of women in the U.S., pain -- whether it's back pain, menstrual pain, lupus pain, or fibromyalgia -- causes a lot of sleepless nights. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 25% of women say that physical discomfort interrupts their sleep at least three nights each week. And while
Read Full Article - Moms and Sleep Deprivation
For many moms, constant sleep deprivation is a standard feature of motherhood -- just like blouses stained with spit-up and Cheerios crumbs in every purse. And it's not only sleep-deprived mothers of newborns who are dragging. Whether you have a preschooler demanding encores of You Are My Sunshine a
Read Full Article - Shift Work: How to Handle Sleep, Life
Patricia Rose Brewster works the night shift. A fiber optics engineer in El Paso, Texas, Brewster, 50, has been clocking out and going to bed past dawn for the last 30 years. She wouldn’t have it any other way. "I love working nights," she says. "People are friendlier, more laid back. You can get mo
Read Full Article - Fighting Off Sleepiness: Myths and Facts
Americans are sleepy. In fact, sleepiness affects the daily activities of 40% of us, say sleep exerts at Stanford University. No wonder we cling to so many fallacies about how to get by on little sleep. But what really works? What’s just a myth? Here are the facts. Fact: A quick nap can dispel dayti
Read Full Article - Pain: The Sleep Thief
Your back is throbbing and has been for weeks. You can barely move from your bed, but you are not getting any sleep because of the intense pain. This is a pretty common scenario, explains David Neumeyer, MD, the associate director of the Sleep Disorder Center at theLahey Clinic Medical Center in Bur
Read Full Article - When Sleep Problems Cause Sex Problems
By the time people with sleep problems come to the Penn Sleep Centers at the University of Pennsylvania, many of them are no longer sleeping with their spouses. “People who have trouble sleeping often develop elaborate routines over time,” says Phil Gehrman, PhD, CBSM, assistant professor of psychia
Read Full Article - Too Sleepy for Sex?
Too tired for sex? Join the club. Up to 50% of U.S. adults skip or avoid sex because they're too tired, recent polls show. It’s no wonder. The workday can extend long into the night, many couples have children and pets to tend to, and everyone has diversions that tempt their attention away from thei
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