What Is A Cold Sore?What Does A Cold Sore Look Like?Common Cold Sore FAQ!
Many people suffer from cold sore outbreaks.
Cold sores are often times painful and almost impossible to hide.
Do you ever ask yourself: "what is a cold sore?" or "what causes a cold sore?" You might be surprised at some of the answers to the most frequently asked questions about them.
Here are some of the most common sold sore FAQ.
What is a Cold Sore?..
Often referred to as a fever blister, a cold sore is a blister or group of blisters that appear on or around the lips.
The blister(s) will be small and filled with fluid.
Over time they will ooze and crust over before going away.
What does a Cold Sore Look Like?..
A cold sore looks like a pimple or blister.
They will appear on the affected area of skin as one blister or a group of blisters.
What are the Symptoms?..
The symptoms of a cold sore normally appear on or around the lips.
They can also appear on or inside the nose, cheek or chin.
The affected area of skin will tingle, burn, or even itch a couple days before the blister(s) appear.
Then as the fluid filled blister(s) dry up, they crust over.
With mild symptoms, a cold sore can be mistaken for chapped lips or pimples.
In severe cases they can be very painful.
When the symptoms go away the virus that causes them lies dormant until triggered again.
What Causes Cold Sores?..
A cold sore is caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus.
Better known as HSV-1.
Once you are exposed to this virus, a cold sore will appear within about 3 weeks.
The good news is once you have the initial outbreak, the future ones are often less severe.
How Long Does a Cold Sore Last?..
The duration from start to finish is around 10 days.
How to You Get HSV-1?..
The herpes simplex virus type 1 is easily passed between humans.
You can be exposed by sharing utensils with another person or kissing another person (through saliva).
Once contracting this virus that causes cold sores, you will always have it.
There are many over the counter products available to treat the symptoms of a cold sore.
Did you know there are probably some natural products already in your home that can prevent outbreaks altogether?
Cold sores are often times painful and almost impossible to hide.
Do you ever ask yourself: "what is a cold sore?" or "what causes a cold sore?" You might be surprised at some of the answers to the most frequently asked questions about them.
Here are some of the most common sold sore FAQ.
What is a Cold Sore?..
Often referred to as a fever blister, a cold sore is a blister or group of blisters that appear on or around the lips.
The blister(s) will be small and filled with fluid.
Over time they will ooze and crust over before going away.
What does a Cold Sore Look Like?..
A cold sore looks like a pimple or blister.
They will appear on the affected area of skin as one blister or a group of blisters.
What are the Symptoms?..
The symptoms of a cold sore normally appear on or around the lips.
They can also appear on or inside the nose, cheek or chin.
The affected area of skin will tingle, burn, or even itch a couple days before the blister(s) appear.
Then as the fluid filled blister(s) dry up, they crust over.
With mild symptoms, a cold sore can be mistaken for chapped lips or pimples.
In severe cases they can be very painful.
When the symptoms go away the virus that causes them lies dormant until triggered again.
What Causes Cold Sores?..
A cold sore is caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus.
Better known as HSV-1.
Once you are exposed to this virus, a cold sore will appear within about 3 weeks.
The good news is once you have the initial outbreak, the future ones are often less severe.
How Long Does a Cold Sore Last?..
The duration from start to finish is around 10 days.
How to You Get HSV-1?..
The herpes simplex virus type 1 is easily passed between humans.
You can be exposed by sharing utensils with another person or kissing another person (through saliva).
Once contracting this virus that causes cold sores, you will always have it.
There are many over the counter products available to treat the symptoms of a cold sore.
Did you know there are probably some natural products already in your home that can prevent outbreaks altogether?