Common Problems Facing the Elderly
No one wants to get old. If we had a choice, we would rather not get old and instead stay as young and fit as we currently are. That's because as one gets older, problems start to crop up which makes life more difficult.
Here are some of the more common issues faced by the elderly:
Physical Health
The most common issue of the elderly is deteriorating physical health. As the body becomes older, it deteriorates. It loses its natural ability to regenerate and heal itself.
Just as machines get worn out, so does the human body and there would come a time when the organs would simply start to fail. No matter how advanced medical technology becomes, that is something that cannot be stopped.
Aside from the natural deterioration of the body, there is also the problem of increased susceptibility when it comes to diseases. The elderly are more at risk of catching diseases. These diseases range from degenerative diseases to those that are caused by infections, as seniors are more susceptible to them as well.
Mental Health
Another major problem faced by the elderly is deteriorating mental health. For starters, many seniors are prone to depression. Their lifestyle, loneliness and isolation increases the chances that they could suffer from that kind of mental health challenge.
Then there is the risk for Alzheimer's disease which can come with old age. There is still no cure for the condition, though its onslaught can be slowed down.
Another type of problem that many seniors are facing today is difficulty when it comes to finances. Many elderly persons are now having problems when it comes to finding enough money for their needs. Their circumstances make it doubly difficult for them to make ends meet.
Since most of them are unavailable to work anymore, they have to rely on their pension, their savings and on investments to get enough money. When the money that they have set aside earlier is not enough, then they could find themselves in a very tight situation. The situation is made worse by the fact that they usually have to find large amounts of money to fund their medical needs.
Senior Care
Another major issue connected with the elderly is the problem of providing the right kind of care for them. As a person becomes older, he or she loses the ability to take care of oneself alone or properly. Someone else must be there to look after older people.
But finding someone who can care for the elderly can be costly. The best solution is for them to go to senior care facilities where they can be taken care of along with other seniors. But going to such a facility costs money and some are unable to afford even that.
Abuse of the Elderly
A lot of people are unaware of it, but elderly abuse is also a very big problem right now. A lot of seniors encounter abuse of all kinds on an everyday basis. Some people are taking advantage of the fact that they have a limited ability to fight back.
These are just some of the common problems faced by the elderly today. If you have an elderly loved one, you may need to assist them with these issues or take matters into your own hands
Here are some of the more common issues faced by the elderly:
Physical Health
The most common issue of the elderly is deteriorating physical health. As the body becomes older, it deteriorates. It loses its natural ability to regenerate and heal itself.
Just as machines get worn out, so does the human body and there would come a time when the organs would simply start to fail. No matter how advanced medical technology becomes, that is something that cannot be stopped.
Aside from the natural deterioration of the body, there is also the problem of increased susceptibility when it comes to diseases. The elderly are more at risk of catching diseases. These diseases range from degenerative diseases to those that are caused by infections, as seniors are more susceptible to them as well.
Mental Health
Another major problem faced by the elderly is deteriorating mental health. For starters, many seniors are prone to depression. Their lifestyle, loneliness and isolation increases the chances that they could suffer from that kind of mental health challenge.
Then there is the risk for Alzheimer's disease which can come with old age. There is still no cure for the condition, though its onslaught can be slowed down.
Another type of problem that many seniors are facing today is difficulty when it comes to finances. Many elderly persons are now having problems when it comes to finding enough money for their needs. Their circumstances make it doubly difficult for them to make ends meet.
Since most of them are unavailable to work anymore, they have to rely on their pension, their savings and on investments to get enough money. When the money that they have set aside earlier is not enough, then they could find themselves in a very tight situation. The situation is made worse by the fact that they usually have to find large amounts of money to fund their medical needs.
Senior Care
Another major issue connected with the elderly is the problem of providing the right kind of care for them. As a person becomes older, he or she loses the ability to take care of oneself alone or properly. Someone else must be there to look after older people.
But finding someone who can care for the elderly can be costly. The best solution is for them to go to senior care facilities where they can be taken care of along with other seniors. But going to such a facility costs money and some are unable to afford even that.
Abuse of the Elderly
A lot of people are unaware of it, but elderly abuse is also a very big problem right now. A lot of seniors encounter abuse of all kinds on an everyday basis. Some people are taking advantage of the fact that they have a limited ability to fight back.
These are just some of the common problems faced by the elderly today. If you have an elderly loved one, you may need to assist them with these issues or take matters into your own hands