Kenmore Dryer Makes a Squealing Noise and Has a Burning Smell
- The blower wheel takes the hot air and distributes it throughout the drum to dry the clothes, then it moves the hot air out through the vents. If there's too much lint trapped in the vents, it can cause the blower wheel to wear out. The trapped lint can also cause the dryer to emit a burning smell. Cleaning out the vents, lint trap and the blower wheel should stop both the noise and the burning smell. If the squealing noise continues, you may need to replace the blower wheel.
- Some Kenmore dryer models use a slide-type idler pulley, also known as a tension pulley, to keep the tension on the belt. This type of pulley often has noise problems. When these pulleys malfunction, they begin to squeal and should be replaced. If the tension to the belt isn’t sufficient, it can slip off and begin to melt, which can cause a burning smell. If the idler pulley becomes a problem, it can be replaced by a roller-type idler pulley, which doesn’t have the same noise problems. If the belt slips off and melts, it will also need to be replaced.
- In some Kenmore dryer models, the drum is supported by rollers that help it to spin more freely during the drying process. When one of these rollers wears out it will emit a loud squealing noise as it turns on its axis. The only way to stop the noise is to replace the wheel. It's recommended that you replace all the rollers at once to maintain even wear. If all the rollers wear out at the same time, then the drum won’t rotate, which can cause the clothes to burn inside the drum since the hot air will only be getting to one part of the clothing for an extended amount of time.
- If you're unsure what's causing the burning smell and the squealing noise, it's best to call in a professional to diagnose and fix the problem. This is especially true if you have an extended warranty, as anything you do to fix the dryer yourself could invalidate the warranty.
Blower Wheel
Idler Pulley