New Hampshire Fish and Game Deer Seasons
- The beginning of New Hampshire's deer season is for archery hunting only. Archery hunting in New Hampshire runs from September 15 to December 15. However, archery season ends on December 8, in New Hampshire's wildlife management units. From September 15 to September 30, New Hampshire archery hunters may only kill antlered bucks. According to Northern Guide Services, laying baits is preferable for attracting deer, rather than natural food sources. Also, calling and rattling attracts bucks, since early fall is when bucks look to mate with does.
- New Hampshire hunters may start using muzzleloader guns to hunt bucks on October 29. Muzzleloader season lasts until November 8. A muzzleloader gun requires hunters to load bullets from the muzzle of the gun, or the open end of the gun's barrel. The majority of muzzleloader guns are rifles. Hunters may start using firearms in New Hampshire starting on November 9. Some wildlife management units only allow sportsmen to hunt for bucks, while other wildlife management units permit hunting for both sexes.
- In October, New Hampshire hosts the Youth Deer Weekend. This event allows New Hampshire children under 16 years old to use firearms and muzzleloaders for hunting deer. Each child may only kill one buck or doe. Non-New Hampshire children may participate, if they are from a state that allows New Hampshire children to participate in their state's Youth Deer Weekend. An adult with New Hampshire hunting license must accompany each child.
- New Hampshire has two separate seasons for landlocked salmon -- salmon with no access to the ocean -- and Atlantic salmon. The Atlantic Salmon Brood Stock Fishery facilitates Atlantic salmon fishing in the Merrimack and Pemigewasset Rivers in Southeast New Hampshire. The season at the Fishery runs all year-long; fishermen must obtain a special permit to fish at the Fishery. From April through September, fishermen may catch up to five Atlantic salmon during the season. However, all Atlantic salmon are catch-and-release from October through March. New Hampshire landlocked salmon many only be caught from April through September. Landlocked salmon fishing in Pleasant Lake and New London starts at the end of April.
- Aside from salmon, trout and bass are the primary targets for fishermen in New Hampshire. The season for fishing in New Hampshire rivers and streams is January 1 to October 15 for all fish species. However, no closed season exists for trout and bass in the state's lakes and ponds. All trout and bass in New Hampshire are catch-and-release from May 15 to June 15. Large mouth and small mouth bass live in New Hampshire. The state's main trout species are brook, rainbow and brown.
Youth Deer Weekend
Other Fish