Missouri Snow Goose Hunting
- In Missouri, the regular season for snow, blue and Ross's geese is October 31 through January 31, as of the 2009-2010 season. Bag limits for any goose species combination is 20 per person, per day.
- As of 2010, the conservation hunting season for snow, blue and Ross's geese in the state of Missouri is February 1 through April 30. During this season, licensed hunters in the state are only permitted to hunt for snow geese at Fountain Grove, Pony Express and Bob Brown Conservation Areas.
- To hunt snow goose in the state of Missouri, all hunters must obtain a hunting permit, which is available for purchase online at the Missouri Department of Conservation website. In addition, all hunters who were born on or after January 1, 1967 must take part in a Missouri or state-approved hunter-education program.
Regular Season and Bag Limits
Conservation Season and Regulations
Hunting Permits and Education