How to Make Crayon Paint
- 1). Lay three or four layers of newspaper over the surface of a hot plate or warming tray. Turn the heat on low.
- 2). Test the paper by laying your hand gently on top. This is the adult's job. If it doesn't seem too hot, lay a piece of drawing paper on top of the newspaper. Allow the paper a few minutes to heat up.
- 3). Color on top of the heated drawing paper with crayons. The heat will slowly melt the crayon as you color, giving it a smooth, paint-like appearance.
- 4). Increase the heat if the crayons aren't melting. Warming trays don't get as hot as a hot plate, so they may need to be turned up higher.
- 5). Display the crayon painting in a window. The wax will saturate the paper, giving it a stained glass look, which is ideal for window art.