Red Meat Diet for Psoriatic Arthritis
- There appears to be a perceived link between the consumption of red meat and joint pain, such as the pain experienced by arthritis sufferers. The notion likely arises from the red meat connection with gout. Gout is a disease that results from the build up of uric acid on connective tissue that causes pain, often in the joints and feet. Eating excessive red meat is believed to cause and complicate gout because red meats are high in purines. Purines, which are found in most foods, are metabolized into uric acid. Since gout can sometimes lead to arthritis, the supposed connection of red meat to arthritis of all types is there, regardless of the lack of scientific proof.
- According to, the diet recommended for psoriatic arthritis does include meats. In fact, it does not exclude any healthy foods because the general recommendation is a well-balanced diet. With no proof that red meats aggravate the condition, red meats should be eaten in moderation just as any healthy person would. The website also states that a contributing factor to joint pain for people with psoriatic arthritis is obesity. Therefore, maintaining a healthy diet to reach recommended weight is important to keep unnecessary pressure off the joints.
- Along with balanced dietary choices, sufferers of psoriatic arthritis should eat regularly scheduled meals to keep energy up to fight the fatigue associated with arthritis. Large portion sizes should also be avoided. Stick to standard dietary recommendations and try to stay away from high fat cuts of meat to avoid weight gain.
Red Meat Hypothesis
Psoriatic Arthritis Diet
Eat Regularly and Watch Portion Size