Cheats for Littlest Jungle Pet Shop on the Nintendo DS
- The Giraffe offers new and exciting game play when unlocked.Martin Poole/Lifesize/Getty Images
To unlock a Giraffe in the Meow Market, at the main menu, go to the Options screen and enter the code LPSTRU. It's impossible to do this any other way, and its "0 Kibble," (meaning it is totally free)! The giraffe can be used in three of the four game environments, the Jungle, the Garden and the Snow. - While not a typical "jungle animal," everyone loves a puppy.Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
To unlock the small dog, the code is PTRVSUT. - To unlock accessory number 96, you have to go to the party house, plan a party and actually link up with another Nintendo DS that has the same game and attend the party.
- The game menu displays 20/21 on your pet number to tell you that you have your last pet on your adoption list. However, to get the last animal, make sure you have bought and unlocked everything. You will then get to buy a new pet.
Small Dog
Unlock Accessory 96
Last Pet