Care of a Pregnant Cat
Cats in heat will go to any length to find male cats to mate with, and male cats have sometimes been known to tear down screens to get to a female in heat. If your cat was in heat and had access to a tom (unneutered male) cat, the likelihood that she is pregnant is very strong.
A pregnant queen will show both physical and personality changes which will first become more evident around three weeks after breeding.
The gestation period for cats runs from 60 to 67 days. I like to use 63 days as an average, because it is easier to equate with human gestation (nine weeks vs nine months).
So Your Cat is Pregnant
Where do you go from here? Your first major decision is whether or not to allow the condition to continue. If the answer is "yes," here's help in knowing what to expect in the next two months. This reading material will be expanded on in later lessons, but this is a broad overview.
Should a Rescued Pregnant Cat be Spayed ?
One of the most controversial issues is whether or not to spay a rescued pregnant cat. While some people are repulsed at the thought of killing kittens, others believe the question begs a larger issue, that of the overpopulation problem.
Spay & Neuter Your Other Cats
A critical part of caring for a pregnant cat is ensuring that neither she nor any other female cats in residence, never become pregnant again. Once you have verified your cat's pregnancy and made the decision either of spaying her and terminating the pregnancy or allowing the pregnancy to continue, the very next thing you should do is take positive steps to ensure this will be the last feline pregnancy in your household.
Is my Cat Pregnant?
The age-old story: Female cat meows loudly for several days, escapes one day, and now no longer meows.
One does not need to be Sherlock Holmes to figure this mystery out.
When Will the Kittens be Born?
My cat got out a few weeks ago and was gone overnight, and she's looking awfully fat now. Is it possible that she is pregnant? If so, when will the kittens be born?
If you have found this page through a search, you may want to go back and start the course from the beginning.
Signs Your Cat is Pregnant
A pregnant queen will show both physical and personality changes which will first become more evident around three weeks after breeding.
The gestation period for cats runs from 60 to 67 days. I like to use 63 days as an average, because it is easier to equate with human gestation (nine weeks vs nine months).
Decision Time!
So Your Cat is Pregnant
Where do you go from here? Your first major decision is whether or not to allow the condition to continue. If the answer is "yes," here's help in knowing what to expect in the next two months. This reading material will be expanded on in later lessons, but this is a broad overview.
Should a Rescued Pregnant Cat be Spayed ?
One of the most controversial issues is whether or not to spay a rescued pregnant cat. While some people are repulsed at the thought of killing kittens, others believe the question begs a larger issue, that of the overpopulation problem.
Stop the Pregnant Cat Syndrome in Your Home
Spay & Neuter Your Other Cats
A critical part of caring for a pregnant cat is ensuring that neither she nor any other female cats in residence, never become pregnant again. Once you have verified your cat's pregnancy and made the decision either of spaying her and terminating the pregnancy or allowing the pregnancy to continue, the very next thing you should do is take positive steps to ensure this will be the last feline pregnancy in your household.
Is my Cat Pregnant?
The age-old story: Female cat meows loudly for several days, escapes one day, and now no longer meows.
One does not need to be Sherlock Holmes to figure this mystery out.
When Will the Kittens be Born?
My cat got out a few weeks ago and was gone overnight, and she's looking awfully fat now. Is it possible that she is pregnant? If so, when will the kittens be born?
If you have found this page through a search, you may want to go back and start the course from the beginning.
Care of a Pregnant Cat Course Navigation
- What to Expect From This Course
- Mating in Cats
- You are Here: Is She Pregnant?
- Care During Pregnancy
- Delivery Day
- Postnatal Care of the Queen and her Kittens
- Placing the Kittens