Difficulties Getting Pregnant - 5 Possible Causes For Women
If you are having difficulties getting pregnant, you may be suffering from one or more of the 5 possible causes of fertility problems in women.
While there are many more causes, here are the top 5: 1.
This is a medical condition in which endometrial like cells develop and grow outside the uterine cavity.
The existence of these cells causes pain and is associated with infertility but the exact reason is unknown.
Surgical removal of the cells can reduce pain.
Successful removal of the cells on the ovaries can allow the woman to get pregnant.
However, the cells may reoccur.
Diminished ovarian reserve.
This is when the woman has a smaller than average reserve of eggs remaining in her ovaries.
A woman will experience this particular difficulty getting pregnant when she is older than 30 or has had a long term illness which has affected the quality of the ovum.
Ovulation disorders.
The frequency and timing of ovulation naturally vary among women.
In extreme cases women may miss 3 to 4 periods a year.
The timing of insemination is among the top difficulties getting pregnant.
Low progesterone level.
Progesterone is a steroid hormone produced by the woman's body during the menstrual cycle.
It causes the lining of the uterus to change for you to become pregnant.
Artificial progesterone is available in pill form.
It stands to reason that fertility is tied to nourishment and an undernourished or improperly nourished body will have difficulties in getting pregnant.
A woman's diet is very important for the health of the ovum and the uterus.
While there are many more causes, here are the top 5: 1.
This is a medical condition in which endometrial like cells develop and grow outside the uterine cavity.
The existence of these cells causes pain and is associated with infertility but the exact reason is unknown.
Surgical removal of the cells can reduce pain.
Successful removal of the cells on the ovaries can allow the woman to get pregnant.
However, the cells may reoccur.
Diminished ovarian reserve.
This is when the woman has a smaller than average reserve of eggs remaining in her ovaries.
A woman will experience this particular difficulty getting pregnant when she is older than 30 or has had a long term illness which has affected the quality of the ovum.
Ovulation disorders.
The frequency and timing of ovulation naturally vary among women.
In extreme cases women may miss 3 to 4 periods a year.
The timing of insemination is among the top difficulties getting pregnant.
Low progesterone level.
Progesterone is a steroid hormone produced by the woman's body during the menstrual cycle.
It causes the lining of the uterus to change for you to become pregnant.
Artificial progesterone is available in pill form.
It stands to reason that fertility is tied to nourishment and an undernourished or improperly nourished body will have difficulties in getting pregnant.
A woman's diet is very important for the health of the ovum and the uterus.