Deer Population Control Methods
- Find safe methods for preventing deer from entering your backyard.deer image by Anton Chernenko from
People who live in wooded areas encounter more wildlife than urbanites. In these areas, deer come into backyards and eat stems, leaves, plants and flowers. On an average day, a deer can consume as much as five pounds of greenery. If deer become pests in your area, you do not need a professional to control the population. Instead, find a safe and non-toxic solution for keeping deer out of your yard. - The smell and taste of eggs repel deer. Mix one large egg with 1/4 cup water until thin enough to spray. Pour the solution into a spray bottle, and spray it on trees, plants and flowers around your yard.
Another solution can be made with three tablespoons of ground kelp, one cup of fish solution and three tablespoons of liquid soap. Mix these together with water, pour into a spray bottle and spray on any vegetation you want to guard from deer. - Deer can jump regular fences and get into your yard. Purchase an electric charger at any hardware store and install it on your fence according to package instructions. An electric charger does not hurt deer; it just scares them away. You can also have an electric fence professionally installed, but that is much more expensive.
- The smell of human hair scares deer, so place strands of it in a shallow trench around the perimeter of your yard. Check with your local beauty salon to see if you can get clippings, or ask for real human hair extensions at a beauty supply store. Birds may nest in the hair, though, so do not try this if you don't want to attract birds.
Homemade Deer Repellents
Electric Fence
Create a Moat