Sleep Well - Tips on How to Get That Goodnight Sleep You"ve Always Wanted
There are times when getting yourself to dreamland becomes difficult.
Instead of getting some rest, the tossing and turning at night wears you out.
Do yourself a favor and stop counting how many of Mary's sheep can jump over a fence and learn from the guidelines below to achieve a sleeping state that even Sleeping Beauty would envy.
Instead of getting some rest, the tossing and turning at night wears you out.
Do yourself a favor and stop counting how many of Mary's sheep can jump over a fence and learn from the guidelines below to achieve a sleeping state that even Sleeping Beauty would envy.
- Watch your Diet.
It is true thateating, especially foods high on carbohydrates, increases our blood sugar,making us sluggish just a few hours after eating.
Nevertheless, eating fewminutes before your bedtime makes you awake so be sure not to eat anythingthat's high on sugar and carbs few minutes before hitting the sack.
- Take a Physical Activity.
Jogging, dancing or even floor exercises are surefire ways to de-stressyour body helping you to get a good night sleep.
But be wary not to dothis physical activities a few minutes before you get a snooze as theycause the blood in the body to circulate more thus making you stay awakeand alert.
- Do Something Else.
If it's alreadythirty minutes and you still keep on tossing and turning in your bed,don't force yourself to get that Zzzsss.
Get up and walk around the house,watch TV or read a book until your eyes get tired.
If you want, you caneven turn on the radio or your MP3 player and listen till you fall asleep.
Some people like it when they hear something while waiting to snoozewhereas others hate to hear any kind of sounds before sleeping.
- Find the Perfect Position.
Finding the perfect position and spot in your bed is the best way to fallasleep.
This differs in every person.
Some like it lying down face flat.
Some can't sleep without a pillow to cover their face while others can'tdoze off without a pillow to hug.
It all depends on the person and it's upto you to find the position that suits you.
- Clear Your Mind.
Before going todreamland, clear your mind first of the excess baggage.
You might beworrying for your term paper due the next day but staying up late at nightworrying about it doesn't help a bit.
Sleeping is a time to relax yourworn out body and mind so vacate that thing between your ears and have agood night sleep.
- Follow a Routine.
If you feel thattaking an afternoon nap messes up your sleeping pattern then cut off withthe siestas.
A 15-20 minutes power nap in the afternoon is just enough butanything more than that especially in the late afternoon is a big no no ifyou want to sleep early in the evening.
If you go to bed at 10:00 pm andwakes up at 8:00pm, then follow that routine everyday.
Trust me, you'llnever have to endure again another sleepless nights once you haveinstilled this sleeping patterns in your clock.
Because as soon as theclock strikes ten, your body and mind will automatically shut downreadying you for another sleep fest.