Want To Get Pregnant But Having Trouble? 4 Tips To Make Sure Sex Is Good Enough To Get You Pregnant
If you are a woman and desperately want to get pregnant, but have been having a hard time, you know how frustrating and heartbreaking it can be.
To want something SO bad but be denied over and over again is terrible.
And it's even worse when there are cute babies everywhere - at the store, at the mall, next door.
It's a constant, painful reminder of the thing you want so much but can't have.
Or, should I say, haven't been able to have YET.
Don't give up! Your beautiful baby might be just around the corner! In a previous article, I talked about how sex can become routine and boring for couples who focus ONLY on getting pregnant.
When sex only becomes about having a baby, which occasionally happens, it can cause damage to the couple's relationship.
I gave some easy tips that couples can use to keep things fun and spicy, while still leading to the end goal of a beautiful new baby.
Some of these tips included making sure that both partners are having fun, actually enjoying sex and achieving orgasm for the woman (which can help fertilization), using foreplay and afterplay to bond, and making sure you make time for sex.
Here are a few more tips to help you get pregnant: 1) Stop putting so much pressure on yourself and your partner.
You don't have to get pregnant RIGHT THIS MINUTE.
It might happen next month...
or the month after that.
Enjoy sex and learn to reduce expectations.
Stress can actually inhibit your ability to get pregnant, so do whatever you need to do to insure that you're not stressing out over getting pregnant when you have sex.
2) Change things up.
And realize that only ejaculation needs to occur in the vagina.
If your man seems to be getting tired of the same old same old, there are plenty of things that you can do for his enjoyment, as long as he finishes in the right place...
3) Don't limit sex to just procreation.
If you or your man starts to get romantic but there's no chance that it will lead to pregnancy because of where you are in your cycle, go ahead and have sex! Sex CAN lead to pregnancy, but sex shouldn't be ALL about pregnancy.
4) Keep lines of communication open.
If one of you is frustrated or feeling unsexy, talk about it - but OUTSIDE of the bedroom.
Never bring up problems and fights in the bedroom, because creating negative feelings there can cause less openness and less willingness to have sex in the future.
Have any potentially touchy conversations hours afterwards.
To want something SO bad but be denied over and over again is terrible.
And it's even worse when there are cute babies everywhere - at the store, at the mall, next door.
It's a constant, painful reminder of the thing you want so much but can't have.
Or, should I say, haven't been able to have YET.
Don't give up! Your beautiful baby might be just around the corner! In a previous article, I talked about how sex can become routine and boring for couples who focus ONLY on getting pregnant.
When sex only becomes about having a baby, which occasionally happens, it can cause damage to the couple's relationship.
I gave some easy tips that couples can use to keep things fun and spicy, while still leading to the end goal of a beautiful new baby.
Some of these tips included making sure that both partners are having fun, actually enjoying sex and achieving orgasm for the woman (which can help fertilization), using foreplay and afterplay to bond, and making sure you make time for sex.
Here are a few more tips to help you get pregnant: 1) Stop putting so much pressure on yourself and your partner.
You don't have to get pregnant RIGHT THIS MINUTE.
It might happen next month...
or the month after that.
Enjoy sex and learn to reduce expectations.
Stress can actually inhibit your ability to get pregnant, so do whatever you need to do to insure that you're not stressing out over getting pregnant when you have sex.
2) Change things up.
And realize that only ejaculation needs to occur in the vagina.
If your man seems to be getting tired of the same old same old, there are plenty of things that you can do for his enjoyment, as long as he finishes in the right place...
3) Don't limit sex to just procreation.
If you or your man starts to get romantic but there's no chance that it will lead to pregnancy because of where you are in your cycle, go ahead and have sex! Sex CAN lead to pregnancy, but sex shouldn't be ALL about pregnancy.
4) Keep lines of communication open.
If one of you is frustrated or feeling unsexy, talk about it - but OUTSIDE of the bedroom.
Never bring up problems and fights in the bedroom, because creating negative feelings there can cause less openness and less willingness to have sex in the future.
Have any potentially touchy conversations hours afterwards.