What Are the Best Games for a 3 Year Old?
- This is a good game for a group of 3-year-olds to play together. Use a beanbag or ball to represent the potato and have the players stand together in a circle. Music is played on a radio while the players either pass or toss tho potato to one another in an effort to get rid of it before the music stops. Once the music stops, whoever is holding the hot potato has been "burned" and must step aside. The game repeats until there is only one winner left.
- Hide and Seek is a classic game that can be played by two or more three-year-olds, preferably with a parent overseeing things. One player is selected as the seeker and an area of the playing field is designated as home base. The seeker closes his eyes and counts out loud while the other players find places to hide. When the seeker has counted to a predetermined number he opens his eyes and looks for the other players. If a player can get back to home base before he is tagged, he is safe. If the seeker is able to find and tag a player before she returns to base, that player is now the seeker.
- You can play this guessing game alone with your 3-year-old or with other kids too. Place safe items with no sharp edges inside a cardboard box. Place the lid on the box and cut a hole on top that is big enough for a child's hand to fit in. Let each player take turns feeling the contents of the box and trying to guess what the items inside are by whispering them to you. Keep track of which child has the most correct guesses to determine the winner.
- This classic game may be your child's first exposure to playing card games. You can play using your standard deck of cards or purchase special Go Fish decks designed for younger players. In Go Fish, each player is dealt seven cards, while the rest of the deck is placed face down on the table in either a pile or spread out in a pond shape. Players take turns trying to match the cards in their hands to other cards of the same color and numerical value. On a player's turn, he will ask another player if she has any of a certain card; for example, "Do you have any threes?" If the player does, she must hand that card over. If not, she will say "Go Fish" and the the first player must then pick a card out of the pile. When all the matches have been made, the player with the most wins the game.
Hot Potato
Hide and Seek
Guess What's In the Box
Go Fish