What Foods to Eat With a Peptic Ulcer
- Eat 6 to 11 servings of whole grain or enriched foods daily. Whole grain and enriched foods will not irritate your stomach as much as non-enriched foods or plain white breads, and they are healthier for you. Enriched cereals are another good choice for someone who has a peptic ulcer. Eat low-fat crackers.
Include three to five servings of vegetables every day. Fresh vegetables are always healthier, but you can eat frozen or canned vegetables as tolerated.
Lean and tender beef, pork, lamb, veal, and poultry should be included in your diet two to three times daily. Your total meat intake should be 6 oz. daily. You can include fresh, frozen, or canned fish packed in water. If you eat bacon, make sure it is crisp. - Include two to three servings of low-fat and non-fat milk and milk products daily. Eat processed cheese if it has less than 5 g of fat per oz. Eat low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt. Limit your intake of eggs to three to four egg yolks weekly. Eat smooth peanut butter. Eat two to four servings of fruit each day. Fresh is always better. Include a good source of protein with each meal and snack.
- There are many foods and drinks you should avoid if you have a peptic ulcer. Avoid breads and cereals prepared with high-fat ingredients. These include croissants and biscuits. Avoid wild rice, high-fat snack crackers, raw vegetables, and gas-forming vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, onions, cauliflower, cucumbers, green peppers, rutabagas, turnips, and sauerkraut. Lemons, grapefruit, oranges, pineapples, and tangerines may cause discomfort. Tomatoes and tomato products may also upset your peptic ulcer. Sauces, gravies, and fatty meat should also be avoided.
Meats, Vegetables, and Grains
Dairy Products, Fruits, and Snacks
Foods to Avoid