The Best Pet Alternatives For Your Child
A dog or cat are the two obvious choices for a new member of the family in most homes.
Many parents, however, feel that their children are not ready for the responsibility (or are too young) to have one of these animals running around the house.
Whatever the reason, there are several other great options for pets for you to consider for your child.
Or for you, if you just don't like cats and dogs.
If you want to start at the simplest level, go with a goldfish.
These fish are very inexpensive, and only require a fishbowl and some food every day.
If your child cannot care for a goldfish, then they are not ready for a dog! Another fun option is to get a bird.
Start with something small, like a parakeet.
The only problem with birds is you cannot take them outside (they could fly away) and they tend to be noise makers at night.
If you have a spare room to put your bird in, that would be best.
The rabbit is one of the most cute, cuddly and affectionate animals you can bring into your home.
They are very friendly, and what child does not like a rabbit? A great first pet.
While turtles are not the most vivacious creatures, they are very well behaved and you don't have to worry about losing them.
If your child happens to lose a turtle, it might be a sign that they are not ready for a larger, faster animal.
A gerbil or hamster is a great option for any family who will be out of the house during the day.
Since these animals are nocturnal, this is when they will most likely be sleeping.
Just remember to change the bedding, cause it can get stinky.
An ant farm is another easy to maintain option that any child would embrace in their room.
Just make sure to close the lid!
Many parents, however, feel that their children are not ready for the responsibility (or are too young) to have one of these animals running around the house.
Whatever the reason, there are several other great options for pets for you to consider for your child.
Or for you, if you just don't like cats and dogs.
If you want to start at the simplest level, go with a goldfish.
These fish are very inexpensive, and only require a fishbowl and some food every day.
If your child cannot care for a goldfish, then they are not ready for a dog! Another fun option is to get a bird.
Start with something small, like a parakeet.
The only problem with birds is you cannot take them outside (they could fly away) and they tend to be noise makers at night.
If you have a spare room to put your bird in, that would be best.
The rabbit is one of the most cute, cuddly and affectionate animals you can bring into your home.
They are very friendly, and what child does not like a rabbit? A great first pet.
While turtles are not the most vivacious creatures, they are very well behaved and you don't have to worry about losing them.
If your child happens to lose a turtle, it might be a sign that they are not ready for a larger, faster animal.
A gerbil or hamster is a great option for any family who will be out of the house during the day.
Since these animals are nocturnal, this is when they will most likely be sleeping.
Just remember to change the bedding, cause it can get stinky.
An ant farm is another easy to maintain option that any child would embrace in their room.
Just make sure to close the lid!