Vital Steps In Rearing Chickens At Home And Avoid Losing Your Chickens Unintentionally
There are different reasons why people resort to rearing chickens. Whatever the reason is, it remains paramount that before you begin rearing chickens you are acquainted with the idea of them needing enough care and attention. The most common is for the eggs and meat they provide, but some simply want to take care of pets in their backyard and have chosen to meddle with chickens. Chickens can be interesting pets, and they can give you good rewards. Chickens can also be a method of economically saving up, for you will have eggs everyday that you can use up according to your needs.
Raising backyard chickens is started by getting viable eggs, available in farms and companies that sell supplies for beginners. You can also jumpstart to the chicks and being caring for them until they grow into laying chickens. Domestic chickens will give you enough eggs to brood and read until they are of service to you. In case the chickens are not cooperative in brooding of the eggs, the use of an incubator is your lifeline.
Different kinds of incubators will help in rearing chickens. For example, forced air incubators are good in hatching large broods and require only minimal maintenance and is equipped with self turners. Still air incubators need more maintenance and hatch a smaller group; these are also less expensive. Incubators need to be setup days before the eggs are to be placed. This is because a certain temperature needs to be achieved. Problems with the incubators will not be tended to appropriately if the eggs are already inside.
The normal temperature need to hatch the eggs is 100-103 degrees Fahrenheit with humidity of around 58-60% within day 1 to day 18. You can increase the humidity to 65% after the 18th day. Take note that the eggs need to be turned 3 to 6 times daily. Self turning devices do it for you, but if this feature is not supported by your incubator, then you have to turn the eggs manually. Turning the eggs is only done on the first 18 days, and the succeeding days will not need anymore turning to avoid damaging the chicks.
Rearing chickens require you to be hygienic, keeping your hands clean at all times. After the chicks have hatched, handle them lightly to avoid breaking their fragile bodies. Although sometimes you might want to help them out of their shells as day 21 has been reached, it is not recommended. They will come out on their own and this will complete the hatching project.
Raising backyard chickens is started by getting viable eggs, available in farms and companies that sell supplies for beginners. You can also jumpstart to the chicks and being caring for them until they grow into laying chickens. Domestic chickens will give you enough eggs to brood and read until they are of service to you. In case the chickens are not cooperative in brooding of the eggs, the use of an incubator is your lifeline.
Different kinds of incubators will help in rearing chickens. For example, forced air incubators are good in hatching large broods and require only minimal maintenance and is equipped with self turners. Still air incubators need more maintenance and hatch a smaller group; these are also less expensive. Incubators need to be setup days before the eggs are to be placed. This is because a certain temperature needs to be achieved. Problems with the incubators will not be tended to appropriately if the eggs are already inside.
The normal temperature need to hatch the eggs is 100-103 degrees Fahrenheit with humidity of around 58-60% within day 1 to day 18. You can increase the humidity to 65% after the 18th day. Take note that the eggs need to be turned 3 to 6 times daily. Self turning devices do it for you, but if this feature is not supported by your incubator, then you have to turn the eggs manually. Turning the eggs is only done on the first 18 days, and the succeeding days will not need anymore turning to avoid damaging the chicks.
Rearing chickens require you to be hygienic, keeping your hands clean at all times. After the chicks have hatched, handle them lightly to avoid breaking their fragile bodies. Although sometimes you might want to help them out of their shells as day 21 has been reached, it is not recommended. They will come out on their own and this will complete the hatching project.