How Do I Hunt Deer in Tuscarawas County, Ohio?
- 1). Research the hunting areas in Tuscarawas County through the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, which regulates and oversees deer harvesting in the Buckeye State. If you are signing on with an outfitter, some offer multiple day trips including lodging, food and guidance about where hunters will have the most success.
- 2). Apply for a hunting license through the Ohio DNR or purchase a license from a vendor in the county. A license for an adult Ohio resident costs $19 while those for minors and seniors cost $10. Nonresident license fees are $125. You are considered an Ohio resident if you have lived in the state of Ohio for the past six consectuive months.
- 3). Identify the location to hunt. Outfitters have specific locations for hunting. Public hunting lands also are available, such as the Beach City Wildlife Area. Hunting is allowed on private land, but written permission must be obtained from the land owner. The maximum penalty for hunting without written permission of the landowner for a first offense is 60 days in jail and a $500 fine. The maximum penalty for a second offense is 90 days in jail and a $750 fine).