How to Breed Horses on "Spiffy Horse"
- 1). Log into your "Spiffy Horse" account at or create a new account by clicking on the link to "Join Spiffy Horse Now."
- 2). Choose the "Stable" link from the top menu.
- 3). Select a mare from your stable that you would like to breed. Click on the number next to your horse's description to view its profile. The profile includes information on breed, color, size, training, pedigree, wellness and stats. Both mares and stallions between the ages of 3 and 25 may be bred. Review your mare's breed characteristics prior to breeding her to a stallion of a different breed. The breed characteristics of both horses should be compatible. For example, you do not want to breed a small pony breed with a large draft horse.
- 4). Evaluate the stats of your mare by reviewing the points listed in the profile area. Solid stats points include intelligence, movement, personality, conformation and speed. These stats are determined by the breed and pedigree of the horse; they do not change. Look for mares with high points in these areas. Fluid stats points include strength, stamina, knowledge, agility and condition. These stats can be modified through interaction with the horse, such as training. These traits are passed along during breeding, but in a smaller amount than the solid stats.
- 5). Select a stallion from your stable or find a suitable stallion at stud using the search feature of the site. Stud fees will be incurred by using a stallion at stud instead of one of your own horses. Use the same steps to evaluate the stallion for breeding.
- 6). Determine the points for your future foal. Foals receive an average of the parent's solid stat points. Add the solid stat points of your mare and stallion; divide by two to calculate the stats for your foal. Foals also receive approximately 25 percent of the fluid stat points from their parents. This percentage can change depending on your breeding skill score.
- 7). Go back to the mare's profile by clicking on its ID number in the stable area.
- 8). Select the "Breed Horse" link under the "Breeding Information" area of the mare's profile.
- 9). Select your chosen stallion from your barn when prompted to choose a horse.
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Continue to care for your mare, ensuring that it receives enough food and attention to keep its mood elevated. - 11
Watch the progress of the pregnancy through the mare's profile area. The foal will be born seven days from conception. The foal will appear in the stable of the player who owns the mare after it is born.