How to Become a Girl Scout Troop Leader
- 1). Be sure you meet all the requirements. The Girl Scouts require that you be 18 to be a troop leader, although older teens are welcome to participate as volunteers in non-leadership roles. Although many people don't realize this, you don't have to be female to lead a Girl Scout troop; both men and women are welcome. However, if you are male, you'll be required to have a female co-leader present in your troop.
- 2). Contact your local Girl Scout council. The Girl Scouts of America is a group that is divided into many smaller councils, sometimes several within each state. Use the Council Finder on the Girls Scouts home page to figure out which council oversees your area.
- 3). Find a co-leader. This may be another parent whose daughter is interested in scouting, or it may be a volunteer who doesn't have a child in scouting at all. Many people get involved in scouting because of the positive experience they had as a scout when they were young. While you may feel it's easier to do everything yourself, it's far better to have a co-leader to share the responsibilities.
- 4). Take Girl Scout leadership training classes. A number of classes are offered, particularly at the council level, in which adults interested in volunteering can learn about how to best lead girls in scouting. Also, first aid classes and CPR certification are required and made available by the organization.
- 5). Get registered as a Girl Scout adult member. It only costs a few dollars a year, and allows you to experience all the benefits that troop leadership entails. It also is a safety precaution on the part of the local councils. All adults and girls should be registered each year.
- 6). Have fun. There are so many opportunities available to Girl Scouts these days, that there's nothing a girl can't do if she's given a chance. Take a few hours out of your schedule and make a commitment to help girls grow through scouting.