How to Root Peace Lilies
- 1). Remove the mature peace peace lily from its pot, and carefully shake off the loose soil. You'll be able to easily see the clumps of leaves and rhizomes.
- 2). Pull the clumps of leaves apart with your hands. Be sure each clump has at least one or two rhizomes, and that each rhizome has roots.
- 3). Make sure you have planting containers with drainage holes. Fill the containers with a mixture of half peat moss, one-quarter commercial potting soil and one-quarter coarse sand or perlite. Plant the divided peace lily clumps in these containers and put the containers in a warm room with filtered light. Avoid direct sunlight, which will burn the leaves.
- 4). Allow the potting mixture to dry out between each watering, then water until the potting mixture is damp, but not soggy. Mist the peace lily at least once a day A humid area such as a bathroom or kitchen is especially beneficial for peace lilies.
- 5). Fertilize the peace lily one time in spring and one time in summer, using a balanced liquid houseplant fertilizer according to the directions on the container. Don't fertilize the peace lily in fall or winter.