How to Get the Green Out of Aboveground Pools
- 1). Brush the bottom and sides of the aboveground pool with a long pool brush. Scrub on the sides so that you loosen the green algae from the pool.
- 2). Turn the pool filtration system on the outside of the pool to the "on" position. Hook the pool vacuum up according to the directions that come with the pool.
- 3). Vacuum the pool carefully to remove the free-floating green algae and dirt. The water will look murky and dark. Most pool vacuums have a "waste" setting to direct the algae into a basket. Follow the instructions that come with your pool or on the side of the filtration system to ensure that you use the vacuum correctly.
- 4). Apply pool shock to the water to raise the chlorine level. Follow the instructions on the pool shock to ensure that you add it properly. Add enough shock or hypochlorite to the pool to turn it a blue/gray color to remove the suspended green algae. Brush the walls of the pool.
- 5). Remove the basket from the pool filter and empty it after it runs for 12 to 24 hours. Leaving the filtration system on will allow the chlorine to circulate in the pool.
- 6). Test the pH balance of the water in the pool. Commercial test strips are available at most pool supply stores. The pH level needs to remain between 7.2 and 7.6. You can purchase pH additives from pool supply stores to adjust the pH level.
- 7). Clean the aboveground pool weekly to keep the green algae out of the water. Add liquid or granular chlorine weekly. Run the pool pump to extract the algae from the pool and scrub any green algae that you notice to remove it from the bottom and sides.