Directions for Building a Walkway
- 1). Place stakes along the pathway and connect each with twine. Use a 2-by-4 cut to the width of your path to ensure even spacing.
- 2). Review the shape and length of the path outlined and adjust as desired.
- 3). Cut into the ground and remove the topsoil to reveal the leaching layer. Identify the leaching layer by the lighter color.
- 4). Place the removed soil onto a tarp or into a cart and place in another area of the yard.
- 5). Install 1-by-4 planks on either end of the walkway to serve as rails. Ensure rails are even with the surrounding ground level.
- 6). Remove large stones and filling pockets.
- 7). Pour a 1-inch layer of base gravel onto the walkway and tamp. Repeat until 4 inches of gravel have been added.
- 8). Cover the gravel with 2 inches of masonry sand.
- 9). Use screed to level the sand. Hold the screed so that the end arms catch on the railing; drag across the ground.
- 10
Tamp down. Repeat until the depth between the top of the railing and the sand layer is the height of your brick or stone. - 11
Lay bricks or stones along the edge of the railing being careful not to upset the underlying sand layer. - 12
Fill in the center of the path. - 13
Brush sand into the joints between stones. - 14
Wet sand to force it to settle. Continue to fill the joints. - 15
Repeat once a week for two weeks. - 16
Remove the railing and complete with decorative garden edging or plants.