How to Trim Grass With a Weed Eater
- 1). Mow the lawn first, getting as close to structures and landscaping items as you can.
- 2). Fill the weed eater with gas or plug it into a power source with a long outdoor extension cord.
- 3). Insert the nylon line into the weed eater according to manufacturer instructions. Usually, the nylon line winds around a spool that fits inside the bottom of the weed eater. Thread the end of the nylon line through a hole in the weed eater so it extends about 3 to 4 inches to create an effective cutting swath.
- 4). Hold the weed eater in your hands and extend it out from you at a 30-degree angle to the ground. Press the button to start the weed eater. Move the weed eater slowly over the top of the grass you wish to trim, cutting it to the same length as the grass you mowed.
- 5). Continue moving the weed eater over the grass. Trim it the same length as the mowed grass. Skim the weed eater along the sides of buildings and structures, along landscaping edging, along sidewalks and driveways, and everywhere the lawnmower will not reach.