Dog Cancer Symptoms – 6 Different Kinds of Symptoms You Should Know
Most families are considering their pets such as dogs as one of the members of their household. Aside from this, the dogs are termed as the man's best friend. The question now, could you be your dog's best friend in times of trouble and sickness? Do you know that your dog could have cancer? In order to prevent the severity of such case, you should be aware of dog cancer symptoms.
The probability ratio for your dog to have cancer is one out of four and this accounts to 50% of dog mortalities. Just like with humans, dog cancer is one of the leading causes of death in older dogs especially for those who are over ten years old. Hence, understanding dog cancer symptoms is very imperative. The symptoms for dog cancer will depend on its type.
1. Skin cancer. This is the most common type of cancer for dogs. So check out for unusual and fast growing lumps.
2. Abdominal cancer. Vomiting, diarrhea and loss of weight are often linked with the commonly arising abdominal cancer. Dog owners should also see any signs of swollen abdomen that is continuously growing.
3. Mammary Gland Cancer. Breast cancer in contrast is typically common with unsprayed female dogs that are six-month old and are generally in heat for about every six months. A swollen mammary gland would be initially seen. Female dogs sprayed prior to their first heat cycle are usually prone from the development of mammary tumors.
4. Testicular cancer. For male dogs, the case would usually be especially for unneutered ones. Accordingly, neutered male dogs have fewer or no probabilities of having such condition.
5. Lymph cancer. Another type of cancer is lymphoma, which could be lethal as it affects the immune system. Common signs take in inflamed lymph nodes, absence of appetite and lethargic situation.
6. Osteosarcoma. As the name implies, this type of cancer affects the bone. This usually occurs in large breed dogs. The cancer cells grow at the site where a prior injury has occurred and it will burrow intensely into the bones that will lead to unbearable pain.
The common factor for these different types of cancer is the appearance of lumps especially if they are growing. Check for the presence of these from time to time and feel them if they seem to connect with the tissue underneath; or it has an unusual color and irregular shape.
Apart from lumps, be vigilant if your dog has non-healing sores, blood manifestation in the urine or stool, modifications in appetite, weight loss and abdominal distress. Other dog cancer symptoms can likewise be vomiting, coughing, diarrhea or constipation, breathing difficulty, body odor, limping limb and bad breath.
If you have observed any of these dog cancer symptoms, do not wait! One best way to deal with it is by giving your pet dog a supplement such as ES Clear. These supplements will speed the healing period; boost the immune system and aid in promoting a health living of your dog. Save your dog from pain!
The probability ratio for your dog to have cancer is one out of four and this accounts to 50% of dog mortalities. Just like with humans, dog cancer is one of the leading causes of death in older dogs especially for those who are over ten years old. Hence, understanding dog cancer symptoms is very imperative. The symptoms for dog cancer will depend on its type.
1. Skin cancer. This is the most common type of cancer for dogs. So check out for unusual and fast growing lumps.
2. Abdominal cancer. Vomiting, diarrhea and loss of weight are often linked with the commonly arising abdominal cancer. Dog owners should also see any signs of swollen abdomen that is continuously growing.
3. Mammary Gland Cancer. Breast cancer in contrast is typically common with unsprayed female dogs that are six-month old and are generally in heat for about every six months. A swollen mammary gland would be initially seen. Female dogs sprayed prior to their first heat cycle are usually prone from the development of mammary tumors.
4. Testicular cancer. For male dogs, the case would usually be especially for unneutered ones. Accordingly, neutered male dogs have fewer or no probabilities of having such condition.
5. Lymph cancer. Another type of cancer is lymphoma, which could be lethal as it affects the immune system. Common signs take in inflamed lymph nodes, absence of appetite and lethargic situation.
6. Osteosarcoma. As the name implies, this type of cancer affects the bone. This usually occurs in large breed dogs. The cancer cells grow at the site where a prior injury has occurred and it will burrow intensely into the bones that will lead to unbearable pain.
The common factor for these different types of cancer is the appearance of lumps especially if they are growing. Check for the presence of these from time to time and feel them if they seem to connect with the tissue underneath; or it has an unusual color and irregular shape.
Apart from lumps, be vigilant if your dog has non-healing sores, blood manifestation in the urine or stool, modifications in appetite, weight loss and abdominal distress. Other dog cancer symptoms can likewise be vomiting, coughing, diarrhea or constipation, breathing difficulty, body odor, limping limb and bad breath.
If you have observed any of these dog cancer symptoms, do not wait! One best way to deal with it is by giving your pet dog a supplement such as ES Clear. These supplements will speed the healing period; boost the immune system and aid in promoting a health living of your dog. Save your dog from pain!