Taking Charge of Your Fertility - Why I Love This Book
I have gone through three copies of this wonderful book.
Not because I lost the first two, but because I loaned them out to friends, and never got them back! I guess I should have learned the first time, but this is a book that I just have to share with others.
Taking Charge of Your Fertility, written by Toni Weschler, also referred to as TCOYF for short, is known as the "TTCer's Bible".
Even if you are not currently trying to get pregnant, this is still a book that you should own, read, and commit to memory.
Toni Weschler has done an amazing job of explaining how a woman's body works, and how to track or "chart" the cyclic changes that all women experience each cycle.
You will not find a lot of medical terms in this book, which makes it easy for everyone to read.
What you will find is plain English that is easy to understand and follow.
I actually read my first copy in just three days.
This is such a great book, I just could not put it down.
I still refer to it, and my third copy is getting a little worn.
What prompted me to purchase the book in the first place was that my husband and I had decided that we wanted to try to conceive.
This book came highly recommended by women that I had met in an Internet support group for women that were trying to conceive.
Everyone was telling me that I had to get a copy of the "TTCer's Bible".
I figured that this book would be easy to find since it was so highly recommended.
To my surprise, I didn't find a copy until the third book store I stopped at.
When I finally had the book in my hands, I found myself intrigued the full title, which I had not heard before, "Taking Charge of Your Fertility: The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control, Pregnancy Achievement and Reproductive Health".
At the time, I was most interested in "Part Four: Pregnancy Achievement", but there was a section of the book dedicated to Natural Birth Control.
Something else I would be interested in, after having a baby of course.
I finally managed to get home with the book, I almost stayed in the store to read it as I was so impressed by it.
I just had to know what was in this book, what was the "magic" that this book had in it that would help me and others conceive.
I always had a very good understanding of how the female reproductive cycle worked, but I wanted as much information as I could get that would help me conceive quickly.
I learned all about fertility charting, proper timing of intercourse, and even how to tell if I was pregnant just by my charts alone! I have been singing the praises of this book ever since.
I only wish now that I had this book when I was 12 or 13.
After reading it the first time, I decided that if I ever had a daughter, she would be getting a copy on her 12th birthday.
Not only would she learn that menses is normal, but that her body is a wondrous thing that she should understand and be comfortable talking about.
I did not, and will not, experience the joy of having a daughter at that time.
I have secondary infertility, and what I learned from this book, helped me to identify an early miscarriage, something that would have easily been overlooked as a period that was a few days late.
You see, this book helped me to conceive in only four months when my husband and I were trying.
A divorce and remarriage many years later, and the book worked again, as I conceived in just two months.
This time I was able to carry my pregnancy nearly to term, and today I have a healthy and happy little girl.
Many women that I have met swear by this book.
It has helped so many women, and if you read it, follow the information in it, it can help you too.
Not because I lost the first two, but because I loaned them out to friends, and never got them back! I guess I should have learned the first time, but this is a book that I just have to share with others.
Taking Charge of Your Fertility, written by Toni Weschler, also referred to as TCOYF for short, is known as the "TTCer's Bible".
Even if you are not currently trying to get pregnant, this is still a book that you should own, read, and commit to memory.
Toni Weschler has done an amazing job of explaining how a woman's body works, and how to track or "chart" the cyclic changes that all women experience each cycle.
You will not find a lot of medical terms in this book, which makes it easy for everyone to read.
What you will find is plain English that is easy to understand and follow.
I actually read my first copy in just three days.
This is such a great book, I just could not put it down.
I still refer to it, and my third copy is getting a little worn.
What prompted me to purchase the book in the first place was that my husband and I had decided that we wanted to try to conceive.
This book came highly recommended by women that I had met in an Internet support group for women that were trying to conceive.
Everyone was telling me that I had to get a copy of the "TTCer's Bible".
I figured that this book would be easy to find since it was so highly recommended.
To my surprise, I didn't find a copy until the third book store I stopped at.
When I finally had the book in my hands, I found myself intrigued the full title, which I had not heard before, "Taking Charge of Your Fertility: The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control, Pregnancy Achievement and Reproductive Health".
At the time, I was most interested in "Part Four: Pregnancy Achievement", but there was a section of the book dedicated to Natural Birth Control.
Something else I would be interested in, after having a baby of course.
I finally managed to get home with the book, I almost stayed in the store to read it as I was so impressed by it.
I just had to know what was in this book, what was the "magic" that this book had in it that would help me and others conceive.
I always had a very good understanding of how the female reproductive cycle worked, but I wanted as much information as I could get that would help me conceive quickly.
I learned all about fertility charting, proper timing of intercourse, and even how to tell if I was pregnant just by my charts alone! I have been singing the praises of this book ever since.
I only wish now that I had this book when I was 12 or 13.
After reading it the first time, I decided that if I ever had a daughter, she would be getting a copy on her 12th birthday.
Not only would she learn that menses is normal, but that her body is a wondrous thing that she should understand and be comfortable talking about.
I did not, and will not, experience the joy of having a daughter at that time.
I have secondary infertility, and what I learned from this book, helped me to identify an early miscarriage, something that would have easily been overlooked as a period that was a few days late.
You see, this book helped me to conceive in only four months when my husband and I were trying.
A divorce and remarriage many years later, and the book worked again, as I conceived in just two months.
This time I was able to carry my pregnancy nearly to term, and today I have a healthy and happy little girl.
Many women that I have met swear by this book.
It has helped so many women, and if you read it, follow the information in it, it can help you too.