How to Wire a Ceiling Fan to a Remote Receiver
- 1). Turn off the electrical power to the ceiling fan by turning off the breaker at the main electrical panel.
- 2). Remove the canopy to access the wiring in the ceiling. The canopy covers the hanging bracket at the ceiling and the electrical box; it is held onto the hanging bracket by four screws.
- 3). Locate the black and white power-supply wires in the ceiling fan electrical box. The power-supply wires feed directly back to the switch in the wall and provide the electricity to the fan. The power-supply wires will be connected to the corresponding wires from the ceiling fan motor. Remove the wire nut from the white wires by untwisting the wire nut and pulling the wires apart. The black power-supply wire will be connected to the black wire from the ceiling fan and the wire labeled as the light kit. Disconnect these three wires by untwisting the wire nut that is holding them together.
- 4). Wire the ceiling fan remote receiver to the power supply. The remote receiver will be round or rectangular in appearance with a black and white wire connected at one end and a black, white and a wire labeled "light kit" connected at the other end. Beginning with the end of the remote receiver that has only a black and white wire, connect it to the power-supply wires in the ceiling fan electrical box. Twist an orange nut to the white wire from the electrical box and the white wire from the receiver, connecting them together. Connect the black wire from the electrical box to the black wire on the receiver in the same manner as the white wires.
- 5). Wire the ceiling fan remote receiver to the ceiling fan. Connect the black wire from the fan motor to the black wire on the receiver by twisting an orange wire nut onto the two wires, connecting them together. Connect the white wires in the same manner. Connect the wire labeled for "light kit" from ceiling fan to the wire labeled "light kit" on the receiver by twisting an orange wire nut onto them.
- 6). Replace the ceiling fan canopy. Push all the wiring into the electrical box and the remote receiver into the canopy and attach the canopy to the hanging bracket with the four screws you removed in Step 2.
- 7). Turn the electrical power back on to the ceiling fan by turning the breaker on at the main electrical panel box.