How to Cite Magazines in a Research Paper
- 1). Add a quote followed by the author's name and article page number when referencing a magazine article. For example: "Surveys have found that 80 percent to 90 percent of teen drivers text while driving" (Bullock 26).
- 2). Include the author's name as part of the in-text parenthetical reference as an alternative. In this case, provide only the page number in the parenthetical citation: according to William Bullock, "Surveys have found that 80 percent to 90 percent of teen drivers text while driving" (26).
- 3). Add the magazine to your works cited page. Add the author; if more than one, list the authors in alphabetical order. Add quotations around the article title name. Underline the publication name. Abbreviate the month of the periodical, but give the complete date if the magazine is issued more than once a month. List the page numbers of the article; only list the last two digits of the second page number if that number is within the same denomination as the first (e.g., pg. 178-99, or 178-209). If the article is listed on non-sequential page numbers, write only the first page followed by a plus sign (e.g., page 32+).
Example: Bullock, William, and Julius Caesar. "The Truth About Julius Caesar." Roman (underline the magazine title) Feb. 2001: 34+
If no author is listed, start the reference with the article title and complete the rest of the reference as listed in the example.