What Are In-Kind Donations?
- Perhaps one of the most common types of in-kind donations are gently used items, which can include clothing or furniture donated to a local thrift shop or used books donated to a school or library. Before making any donations, check with local charitable organizations to find out what sort of material they accept and when they accept it. Nonprofit organizations will give you a receipt to use when filing your taxes, but it is up to the individual to assign a value to the donated items.
- This can include extra food in your pantry you choose to donate to the local soup kitchen. For retailers or manufacturers this can include overstocked items or last season's merchandise that is still perfectly usable. Before disposing of any surplus goods, contact area charities to see if they could use any of the items you have available. If you work or volunteer for a charitable organization, contact local businesses to see if they have any surplus good to donate.
- Many nonprofit organizations make do with old and outdated office equipment because they do not have the money to purchase new equipment. If your office is being updated or you simply have some equipment you no longer need, contact local nonprofits to see if they could use any of the equipment. You may be able to free up some space in your office and take a tax deduction in the process.
- Donations of space can include unsold advertising space, storage space, or space for holding special events or fundraisers. In many cases this is space you have available and which you aren't making any money on. By donating this space to a nonprofit organization for a specified amount of time you can help them out, and claim a tax deduction for yourself.
- Services can include anything from basic maintenance work to donations of Internet service, telephone service or other utilities. If you run a company that provides a service or if you work in a service industry, donating service to a local charity is one way to give back to your community.
Gently Used Goods
Surplus Goods
Office Equipment