Pregnancy Morning Sickness and Pain
How does a woman feel when she is pregnant; carrying another life in her? It is obviously one of the most wonderful events in her life.
After confirming the pregnancy with an accurate pregnancy test, you will probably feel excited and elated.
However, to make your dream of becoming a mother reality, you may have to experience nine months of discomfort.
Naturally, everyone wants to avoid any type of pain, but, when it is the pain of a new arrival on earth, you will find the experience different from other events of life.
After this pain, you will be in great joy having a new born baby.
Additionally, of course, your body will change during pregnancy, but this is perfectly natural and part of the beauty of creating life.
Throughout your pregnancy, you will need to know how you can expect your body to change and what pains and pangs you can expect to feel.
You may find it helpful to keep a pregnancy due date calendar, which carries all of the information you need.
The pains you may experience through pregnancy are discussed here, so that you can achieve peace of mind and focus on what's important: your baby.
Backaches You will probably find that your posture begins to suffer during pregnancy.
Obviously, when you are carrying a living being inside you, who frequently moves and sometimes kicks, you will experience some discomfort.
This will make it difficult to stand or sit still for long periods.
During pregnancy, the body weight of the baby shifts, which places pressure on the lower back.
Therefore, you should avoid high-heeled shoes, as this will keep your center of gravity as low as possible.
Another tip: while sitting, put a pillow behind the lower back so that you will be able to alleviate pressure.
Headaches Headache is not unusual during pregnancy as hormonal changes take place in the body.
So, it is not just your body that will be experiencing changes, the drastic hormonal shifts will affect your mood, memory and possibly even your coordination.
Why do women face headaches during the pregnancy timeline? As well as hormonal causes, anxiety may play a role here.
Always try to get natural remedies for any condition during pregnancy, including headaches.
Ibuprofen or Tylenol for treatment can be effective, but may not be everybody's choice.
Try lavender oil or place a damp cloth on your forehead.
Additionally, close all curtains and switch off the light.
If you would like to relieve stress, you can try meditation, a relaxing shower or bath and deep breathing.
Swollen gums Your teeth and gums can become very tender during pregnancy.
When you brush your teeth with usual pressure, it can hurt and cause bleeding.
To get rid of the swollen gums and bleeding, you need to take proper care and consult your dentist.
Don't treat it as a silly inconvenience, because it may lead to infections that could be harmful to you and your baby.
Leg pain Getting pain in the legs is another hazard that pregnant women face.
You may feel weak or wobbly.
As with back pain, the reason for this is that the baby creates pressure on the back, legs and torso.
The situation can be made worse if you experience sciatica.
To resolve this problem you can change your sleeping habits.
For example, it may be helpful to adopt a semi-sitting position while sleeping.
A skilled massage therapist can help you, too.
During pregnancy, massages can increase blood flow and, therefore, reduce the pain.
After confirming the pregnancy with an accurate pregnancy test, you will probably feel excited and elated.
However, to make your dream of becoming a mother reality, you may have to experience nine months of discomfort.
Naturally, everyone wants to avoid any type of pain, but, when it is the pain of a new arrival on earth, you will find the experience different from other events of life.
After this pain, you will be in great joy having a new born baby.
Additionally, of course, your body will change during pregnancy, but this is perfectly natural and part of the beauty of creating life.
Throughout your pregnancy, you will need to know how you can expect your body to change and what pains and pangs you can expect to feel.
You may find it helpful to keep a pregnancy due date calendar, which carries all of the information you need.
The pains you may experience through pregnancy are discussed here, so that you can achieve peace of mind and focus on what's important: your baby.
Backaches You will probably find that your posture begins to suffer during pregnancy.
Obviously, when you are carrying a living being inside you, who frequently moves and sometimes kicks, you will experience some discomfort.
This will make it difficult to stand or sit still for long periods.
During pregnancy, the body weight of the baby shifts, which places pressure on the lower back.
Therefore, you should avoid high-heeled shoes, as this will keep your center of gravity as low as possible.
Another tip: while sitting, put a pillow behind the lower back so that you will be able to alleviate pressure.
Headaches Headache is not unusual during pregnancy as hormonal changes take place in the body.
So, it is not just your body that will be experiencing changes, the drastic hormonal shifts will affect your mood, memory and possibly even your coordination.
Why do women face headaches during the pregnancy timeline? As well as hormonal causes, anxiety may play a role here.
Always try to get natural remedies for any condition during pregnancy, including headaches.
Ibuprofen or Tylenol for treatment can be effective, but may not be everybody's choice.
Try lavender oil or place a damp cloth on your forehead.
Additionally, close all curtains and switch off the light.
If you would like to relieve stress, you can try meditation, a relaxing shower or bath and deep breathing.
Swollen gums Your teeth and gums can become very tender during pregnancy.
When you brush your teeth with usual pressure, it can hurt and cause bleeding.
To get rid of the swollen gums and bleeding, you need to take proper care and consult your dentist.
Don't treat it as a silly inconvenience, because it may lead to infections that could be harmful to you and your baby.
Leg pain Getting pain in the legs is another hazard that pregnant women face.
You may feel weak or wobbly.
As with back pain, the reason for this is that the baby creates pressure on the back, legs and torso.
The situation can be made worse if you experience sciatica.
To resolve this problem you can change your sleeping habits.
For example, it may be helpful to adopt a semi-sitting position while sleeping.
A skilled massage therapist can help you, too.
During pregnancy, massages can increase blood flow and, therefore, reduce the pain.