Pet Cremation Urns, Varieties, And Meaning
There was recently a story in a newsletter concerning someone that had lost her dog that was 18 years old. The owner had the dog since he was just 6 weeks old. The dog was with her through thick and thin and was at her side for 18 years. The owner knew the dog was getting much worse as his hearing was completely gone by the time he turned 15, but he continued to play with his toys and was quite active. He developed arthritis and getting around was a bit more difficult than it had been just the previous year, but he was a trooper. At age 17, the dog developed a collapsed trachea, but with a short course of steroids, he bounced right back.
When the dog turned 18, he developed a mass near his spleen and of course, he was much too old to undergo surgery. They did not know what the mass was, but the owner decided not to put him through any additional testing and allow him to live out his final days in the comfort of home. Later that year, the mass ruptured, and her dear friend had to be put to sleep. She was right there by his side until his last breath and wept as if she had lost her dearest friend, because in reality, she had.
The story noted that the owner opted to have her dog-friend cremated, chose a marble urn, and displays it on the fireplace mantle to this day. She has since gotten another dog, but always remembers her little 18-year old dog-friend whenever she looks at his urn.
Most people that have pets feel exactly the way the person in this story felt about her dog. They become part of the family and it is marvelous that cremation services and urns are available for pets. It provides such a comfort to the owners in their time of grieving and serves as a memorial to their pet for many years.
Types of Urns
It is truly remarkable that there are such varieties of unique pet urns, which include wood pet urns, which is the most common type that many veterinarians offer their clients. There are special cat urns and dog urns. They come in a variety of styles and materials including metal, glass, stone, ceramic, and angel urns, to name just a few.
Final Thoughts
People love their pets, and they are one of their family members, which is the bottom line and why cremation urns are so valuable in helping people cope with the death of their friend. It is also a way of providing a memorial to their pet by providing their final resting place either in a beautiful urn or spread in a special place. If you know the end is coming for your pet-friend, take the time now to make the arrangements by getting an urn to have ready when the day comes. You then have your preparations in order, and it will make the entire process much easier.
When the dog turned 18, he developed a mass near his spleen and of course, he was much too old to undergo surgery. They did not know what the mass was, but the owner decided not to put him through any additional testing and allow him to live out his final days in the comfort of home. Later that year, the mass ruptured, and her dear friend had to be put to sleep. She was right there by his side until his last breath and wept as if she had lost her dearest friend, because in reality, she had.
The story noted that the owner opted to have her dog-friend cremated, chose a marble urn, and displays it on the fireplace mantle to this day. She has since gotten another dog, but always remembers her little 18-year old dog-friend whenever she looks at his urn.
Most people that have pets feel exactly the way the person in this story felt about her dog. They become part of the family and it is marvelous that cremation services and urns are available for pets. It provides such a comfort to the owners in their time of grieving and serves as a memorial to their pet for many years.
Types of Urns
It is truly remarkable that there are such varieties of unique pet urns, which include wood pet urns, which is the most common type that many veterinarians offer their clients. There are special cat urns and dog urns. They come in a variety of styles and materials including metal, glass, stone, ceramic, and angel urns, to name just a few.
Final Thoughts
People love their pets, and they are one of their family members, which is the bottom line and why cremation urns are so valuable in helping people cope with the death of their friend. It is also a way of providing a memorial to their pet by providing their final resting place either in a beautiful urn or spread in a special place. If you know the end is coming for your pet-friend, take the time now to make the arrangements by getting an urn to have ready when the day comes. You then have your preparations in order, and it will make the entire process much easier.