This is my Taz, I've had him for 15 yrs. I got him as a 3yr old. He was stone cold wild. Took four people and two halters to move him from pen to pen. He is still a little weird and is the only horse I know who prefers to be alone. If penned with other horses has been known to jump a 5 foot chain link fence to get away from them. I know for a fact he can jump that high because we have seen him do it on several occasions.
I let other people ride him occasionally, but I am the only one who can catch him in the stall and the only one he rides good for. I don't even need to use my reins half of the time. I just lay a leg on him and he will turn and when I say whoa, he stops. I f I want to lope I just lean forward a little bit and he moves right into a lope. He only does this with me. He tends to run other riders through bushes or rolls in the water or starts to jig, ducks out, all kinds of fun little tricks. He is my once in a lifetime special horse.
I let other people ride him occasionally, but I am the only one who can catch him in the stall and the only one he rides good for. I don't even need to use my reins half of the time. I just lay a leg on him and he will turn and when I say whoa, he stops. I f I want to lope I just lean forward a little bit and he moves right into a lope. He only does this with me. He tends to run other riders through bushes or rolls in the water or starts to jig, ducks out, all kinds of fun little tricks. He is my once in a lifetime special horse.