3 Natural Remedies For Arthritis Anyone Can Use
If you suffer from arthritis like I do then you know it is no picnic.
Sometimes you can feel like your arthritic joints have turned into your own personal barometer.
While there are over the counter and prescription medications available to help ease pain, I am not big on taking prescriptions.
The long term risks are not worth the short term benefits, so I prefer using natural alternatives.
Here are three natural remedies for arthritis I feel have helped reduce my pain and that I think can help you.
Vitamin C.
This vitamin is mostly noted for helping our immune system, but it can also be a help in fighting arthritis.
Studies have shown that vitamin C is also helpful in reducing swelling which is the biggest symptom of arthritis pain.
This is especially beneficial in gouty arthritis, because besides reducing inflammation, it also helps reduce uric acid.
If you have a flare up, you can take Vitamin C supplements.
It will not get rid of the flare up by itself, but it can assist your other efforts.
The best way to achieve the benefits of this vitamin is to make it part of your regular diet.
You can do this by eating plenty of fruits.
You'll then get the extra benefits of the antioxidants the fruits provide which will help reduce free radical damage to your joints.
If you like cayenne peppers then try eating them as another remedy to get rid of arthritis pain.
The capsaicin is the hero of this spicy food.
It not only is what makes the pepper hot, but it is what helps your arthritis.
Capsaicin works by blocking the pain receptors in your brain.
If you don't like to eat hot peppers, add cayenne as a spice to your meals.
There are plenty of recipes on the internet using this treasured spice.
I love eating fresh pineapple, and when I get to eat it, I also get to reap the benefits.
Pineapple is good for arthritis because of an enzyme called bromelain.
Bromelain is a natural pain reliever.
You also get the added benefit of a healthy dose of vitamin C.
Again, as with vitamin C, pineapples alone are not going to get rid of a flare up, but when used in conjunction with other remedies it can help alleviate your pain.
This is definitely one fruit you want to eat when you can.
Sometimes you can feel like your arthritic joints have turned into your own personal barometer.
While there are over the counter and prescription medications available to help ease pain, I am not big on taking prescriptions.
The long term risks are not worth the short term benefits, so I prefer using natural alternatives.
Here are three natural remedies for arthritis I feel have helped reduce my pain and that I think can help you.
Vitamin C.
This vitamin is mostly noted for helping our immune system, but it can also be a help in fighting arthritis.
Studies have shown that vitamin C is also helpful in reducing swelling which is the biggest symptom of arthritis pain.
This is especially beneficial in gouty arthritis, because besides reducing inflammation, it also helps reduce uric acid.
If you have a flare up, you can take Vitamin C supplements.
It will not get rid of the flare up by itself, but it can assist your other efforts.
The best way to achieve the benefits of this vitamin is to make it part of your regular diet.
You can do this by eating plenty of fruits.
You'll then get the extra benefits of the antioxidants the fruits provide which will help reduce free radical damage to your joints.
If you like cayenne peppers then try eating them as another remedy to get rid of arthritis pain.
The capsaicin is the hero of this spicy food.
It not only is what makes the pepper hot, but it is what helps your arthritis.
Capsaicin works by blocking the pain receptors in your brain.
If you don't like to eat hot peppers, add cayenne as a spice to your meals.
There are plenty of recipes on the internet using this treasured spice.
I love eating fresh pineapple, and when I get to eat it, I also get to reap the benefits.
Pineapple is good for arthritis because of an enzyme called bromelain.
Bromelain is a natural pain reliever.
You also get the added benefit of a healthy dose of vitamin C.
Again, as with vitamin C, pineapples alone are not going to get rid of a flare up, but when used in conjunction with other remedies it can help alleviate your pain.
This is definitely one fruit you want to eat when you can.