Camping Supplies
It's great to get away for the weekend into the countryside under canvas. There is nothing to beat breathing fresh air and eating outdoors, surrounded by beautiful scenery. Of course, having the right camping supplies and equipment makes the experience all the more enjoyable.
The basics are the most important to get right. Tents vary in price and size, from the simple one-man variety to large family tents. It's important to choose one that suits the terrain and climate of the destination. Some tents are only designed for summer weather and any winter camping will require a 4-season tent. Most people like to have some kind of air mattress to sleep on. It cushions against the ground and offers insulation too. These come in single, double and king size with pillows and pumps that can be charged up from a car battery.
A good sleeping bag will ensure a sound night's sleep. Again, there is a choice of materials aimed at different weather conditions. Children can have their own junior size versions. A lantern or flashlight with spare batteries is a good item to put on the camping supplies list. Sheltered dining compartments give extra space and make camping more comfortable. Plastic table and chair sets are easy to keep clean and will last for years. There are portable stoves, Dutch ovens and barbecues, kettles and sets of durable pans and dishes. Food, wine and beer can be kept cool in mini refrigerators or cool boxes.
For those campers who want to take a break from cooking, camping supplies could include pre-prepared meals that just need added water. There is a good range that includes curries, chilies, meatballs and pasta and some delicious puddings Screens will give protection from interested insects and windbreaks will give shelter from the elements. Water carriers are the most efficient way of transporting water from the campsite's water supply.
Laundry is another consideration when living outdoors. Mini washing machines and dryers will keep the family in clothes and camping supplies should also include a clothes line or airer that can be attached to the tent. Don't forget the pegs. Campers may want the use of a heater on chilly nights. There are lots to choose from and they have safety features to ensure that they don't overheat and the thermostat cuts out if knocked over. Toilet facilities are the more mundane aspects of camping supplies but a necessary concern. There is a wide range of portable and chemical toilets on the market.
The basics are the most important to get right. Tents vary in price and size, from the simple one-man variety to large family tents. It's important to choose one that suits the terrain and climate of the destination. Some tents are only designed for summer weather and any winter camping will require a 4-season tent. Most people like to have some kind of air mattress to sleep on. It cushions against the ground and offers insulation too. These come in single, double and king size with pillows and pumps that can be charged up from a car battery.
A good sleeping bag will ensure a sound night's sleep. Again, there is a choice of materials aimed at different weather conditions. Children can have their own junior size versions. A lantern or flashlight with spare batteries is a good item to put on the camping supplies list. Sheltered dining compartments give extra space and make camping more comfortable. Plastic table and chair sets are easy to keep clean and will last for years. There are portable stoves, Dutch ovens and barbecues, kettles and sets of durable pans and dishes. Food, wine and beer can be kept cool in mini refrigerators or cool boxes.
For those campers who want to take a break from cooking, camping supplies could include pre-prepared meals that just need added water. There is a good range that includes curries, chilies, meatballs and pasta and some delicious puddings Screens will give protection from interested insects and windbreaks will give shelter from the elements. Water carriers are the most efficient way of transporting water from the campsite's water supply.
Laundry is another consideration when living outdoors. Mini washing machines and dryers will keep the family in clothes and camping supplies should also include a clothes line or airer that can be attached to the tent. Don't forget the pegs. Campers may want the use of a heater on chilly nights. There are lots to choose from and they have safety features to ensure that they don't overheat and the thermostat cuts out if knocked over. Toilet facilities are the more mundane aspects of camping supplies but a necessary concern. There is a wide range of portable and chemical toilets on the market.