Learn How to Meditate for Beginners And Those That Have Been Meditating For Years
If you want to learn how to meditate, there are a few questions you would be better asking yourself first.
In the same way that, if you wanted to learn how to exercise, there are many types of exercises that would be suitable, depending on your age, fitness, time available and just what are the benefits you would be looking for.
When wanting to learn how to meditate, you could ask yourself (a) what do I actually want to meditate for? (b) Is it for stress relief? (c) Is it to reduce anxiety? (d) Do I want to discover deeper aspects of myself? (e) How committed am I to learning to meditate? These are just a few of the questions that you could ask yourself if you want to learn to meditate.
Once you have got a clearer understanding of your own desire for wanting to learn how to meditate, then you are in a better position to decide what form of meditation to undertake, as there are literally hundreds of forms of meditation.
Many beginners to meditation are looking for some peace in their lives, less stress and anxiety, and any other benefits that they experience are often seen as a bonus.
However, I have run many 'How To Meditate For Beginners' courses, and from my experience, you will have a much more enjoyable and fruitful experience of meditation, if you sit back and really consider why you are wanting to learn to meditate.
If you are looking for less stress in your life, then virtually any form of meditation, if practiced correctly, will reduce your stress levels.
Simple breathing techniques are excellent for calming the mind and reducing mental and emotional anxieties.
However, I have noticed over the last twenty years of teaching meditation, that an increasing number of people are looking for more from meditation.
If you are one of these people who want to learn how to meditate for reasons other than stress reduction, then the type of meditation that you choose is extremely important.
As I have already said, most meditation techniques will reduce stress.
However, if you are looking to explore the possibilities of spirituality or explore aspects of your deepest nature, or are looking for answers to the deepest questions about the nature of life, the nature of death, the nature of love, etc.
, then your choice of useful meditation techniques is very limited.
Many meditation teachers claim to offer meditation techniques that will reveal to you your deepest nature.
Upon further questioning, (and I would always encourage you to question your meditation teacher), you will probably discover that there is some kind of proviso or limit to what they can teach you.
For example, a Buddhist meditation teacher can teach you meditation, but can only offer you Enlightenment in another lifetime.
So you are expected to buy into the unproven idea of reincarnation, ie; you will discover the whole truth in some future lifetime, that you may or may not ever have.
The sheer uncertainty of relying on 'faith' or 'beliefs', is a cause of anxiety in itself.
My advice, if you are a beginner, wanting learn meditation or have been meditating for the last 50 years, is this.
Follow the meditation techniques that I teach.
If you are not getting what you are looking for, then keep looking and find another meditation teacher.
The benefits of learning to meditate cannot ever, ever, be overstated.
It will change your life.
You can learn to meditate by simply watching my 5 free meditation class videos.
In the same way that, if you wanted to learn how to exercise, there are many types of exercises that would be suitable, depending on your age, fitness, time available and just what are the benefits you would be looking for.
When wanting to learn how to meditate, you could ask yourself (a) what do I actually want to meditate for? (b) Is it for stress relief? (c) Is it to reduce anxiety? (d) Do I want to discover deeper aspects of myself? (e) How committed am I to learning to meditate? These are just a few of the questions that you could ask yourself if you want to learn to meditate.
Once you have got a clearer understanding of your own desire for wanting to learn how to meditate, then you are in a better position to decide what form of meditation to undertake, as there are literally hundreds of forms of meditation.
Many beginners to meditation are looking for some peace in their lives, less stress and anxiety, and any other benefits that they experience are often seen as a bonus.
However, I have run many 'How To Meditate For Beginners' courses, and from my experience, you will have a much more enjoyable and fruitful experience of meditation, if you sit back and really consider why you are wanting to learn to meditate.
If you are looking for less stress in your life, then virtually any form of meditation, if practiced correctly, will reduce your stress levels.
Simple breathing techniques are excellent for calming the mind and reducing mental and emotional anxieties.
However, I have noticed over the last twenty years of teaching meditation, that an increasing number of people are looking for more from meditation.
If you are one of these people who want to learn how to meditate for reasons other than stress reduction, then the type of meditation that you choose is extremely important.
As I have already said, most meditation techniques will reduce stress.
However, if you are looking to explore the possibilities of spirituality or explore aspects of your deepest nature, or are looking for answers to the deepest questions about the nature of life, the nature of death, the nature of love, etc.
, then your choice of useful meditation techniques is very limited.
Many meditation teachers claim to offer meditation techniques that will reveal to you your deepest nature.
Upon further questioning, (and I would always encourage you to question your meditation teacher), you will probably discover that there is some kind of proviso or limit to what they can teach you.
For example, a Buddhist meditation teacher can teach you meditation, but can only offer you Enlightenment in another lifetime.
So you are expected to buy into the unproven idea of reincarnation, ie; you will discover the whole truth in some future lifetime, that you may or may not ever have.
The sheer uncertainty of relying on 'faith' or 'beliefs', is a cause of anxiety in itself.
My advice, if you are a beginner, wanting learn meditation or have been meditating for the last 50 years, is this.
Follow the meditation techniques that I teach.
If you are not getting what you are looking for, then keep looking and find another meditation teacher.
The benefits of learning to meditate cannot ever, ever, be overstated.
It will change your life.
You can learn to meditate by simply watching my 5 free meditation class videos.