First Steps in Dog Training - Praise and Correction
If you are reading this article, you are either living with, or thinking of living with, an unruly dog or puppy.
You can't properly live with a dog unless you give it some basic training. An untrained dog is a recipe for disaster. And you can't blame the dog for its bad behavior! If you come home, and your dog about knocks you over in its exuberance to greet you, that's nobody's fault but your own. If you haven't taught him to sit and stay, too bad for you!
Lucky for you, dogs are not that difficult to train. So with a few basic lessons from you, your dog should be listening to you in no time!
Before you can get into teaching your dog the five basic obedience commands such as sit, stay, heel, down and come, you need to show your dog what actions are acceptable, and what actions are not.
You achieve this by constantly reinforcing good behavior by praise and correcting bad behavior in a mild and nonviolent way.
For example, if after throwing a tennis ball, your dog happens to return it to you without you having to chase him around and prying it from his mouth, this is good behavior, and should be rewarded accordingly.
Most dogs need nothing more than a simple "Good Dog!" offered in your most supportive, warm voice. Others might appreciate a pat on the head, or maybe a little treat. But start off with nice, simple vocal praise.
However, if you throw the tennis ball, and your dog thinks it's funny to watch your chase him around the yard trying to retrieve the ball from him, a simple "No!" in a loud, firm tone will work. Don't sound angry, panicky, or annoyed, this will only baffle the dog.
When your dog finally drops the tennis ball at your feet, praise him to let him know you approve of this behavior. Quickly, your dog will learn he will be corrected for doing something wrong, and praised for doing something right.
So in short, correct when wrong, praise when right.
If your dog does something wrong, like getting in the trash while you are at work and stringing garbage all though your kitchen, you can't correct him AFTER THE FACT! You can only correct a dog if you catch him in the act of doing wrong. A dog will forget the "bad" event just a few minutes after the event has happened. So scolding him at 5:30 p.m. for something he did at 8:30 a.m. will do no good (if the trash thing has ever happened to you, I suggest putting your trash inside cabinets, under sinks, and out of site!). Don't hold a grudge against your dog, it's destructive.
Don't ever hit, or threaten to hit your dog. This means with your hand, a stick, a rolled up newspaper, or anything else. This will only result in a dog who is afraid of all human hands.
So what have we learned again? If your dog does something right, praise him. If he does something wrong, and you catch him in the act, correct him and then praise him when he stops the bad behavior.
If you are looking for more information on dog training, go to our labrador dog article directory []. The site is dedicated to Labrador Retrievers, but can be utilized for any dog breed.
Good luck!
You can't properly live with a dog unless you give it some basic training. An untrained dog is a recipe for disaster. And you can't blame the dog for its bad behavior! If you come home, and your dog about knocks you over in its exuberance to greet you, that's nobody's fault but your own. If you haven't taught him to sit and stay, too bad for you!
Lucky for you, dogs are not that difficult to train. So with a few basic lessons from you, your dog should be listening to you in no time!
Before you can get into teaching your dog the five basic obedience commands such as sit, stay, heel, down and come, you need to show your dog what actions are acceptable, and what actions are not.
You achieve this by constantly reinforcing good behavior by praise and correcting bad behavior in a mild and nonviolent way.
For example, if after throwing a tennis ball, your dog happens to return it to you without you having to chase him around and prying it from his mouth, this is good behavior, and should be rewarded accordingly.
Most dogs need nothing more than a simple "Good Dog!" offered in your most supportive, warm voice. Others might appreciate a pat on the head, or maybe a little treat. But start off with nice, simple vocal praise.
However, if you throw the tennis ball, and your dog thinks it's funny to watch your chase him around the yard trying to retrieve the ball from him, a simple "No!" in a loud, firm tone will work. Don't sound angry, panicky, or annoyed, this will only baffle the dog.
When your dog finally drops the tennis ball at your feet, praise him to let him know you approve of this behavior. Quickly, your dog will learn he will be corrected for doing something wrong, and praised for doing something right.
So in short, correct when wrong, praise when right.
If your dog does something wrong, like getting in the trash while you are at work and stringing garbage all though your kitchen, you can't correct him AFTER THE FACT! You can only correct a dog if you catch him in the act of doing wrong. A dog will forget the "bad" event just a few minutes after the event has happened. So scolding him at 5:30 p.m. for something he did at 8:30 a.m. will do no good (if the trash thing has ever happened to you, I suggest putting your trash inside cabinets, under sinks, and out of site!). Don't hold a grudge against your dog, it's destructive.
Don't ever hit, or threaten to hit your dog. This means with your hand, a stick, a rolled up newspaper, or anything else. This will only result in a dog who is afraid of all human hands.
So what have we learned again? If your dog does something right, praise him. If he does something wrong, and you catch him in the act, correct him and then praise him when he stops the bad behavior.
If you are looking for more information on dog training, go to our labrador dog article directory []. The site is dedicated to Labrador Retrievers, but can be utilized for any dog breed.
Good luck!