Better Moms, Better Sons
"A good man doesn't just happen.
They have to be created by us women.
A guy is a lump, like a doughnut.
So first you gotta get rid of all the stuff his mom did to him.
And then you gotta get rid of all that macho crap they pick up from beer commercials.
And then there's my personal favorite...
the male ego.
"- Roseanne Barr I have heard many women complain about the way their husbands behave.
They are lazy, they don't help around at home with the cleaning or in the kitchen with the cooking, their clothes are lying around, their towels are on the bed, they get irritated at the very thought of changing diapers or taking care of kids all by themselves, they give more importance to cricket and football matches on TV than spend time with their families etc etc etc.
Men can get away with cheating and being irresponsible and women just adjust.
Though this is not a generalization, it is still the reality.
But do we really understand why this happens.
I think I have put a few pieces together on this one.
I remember one of my friends feeling absolutely disgusted when she told me how her 30 year old boyfriend still was fed by his mother.
Shocking!! Women tend to have a very conservative attitude towards men when they think about their sons.
I have seen many a movies where the women of house feed their husbands and sons before they sat down to eat themselves.
I have seen mother in laws feeling bad that their poor sons picked up their own plates after finishing their food.
Also daughter's education and career being sacrificed so that the sons can make their own.
Such culture is still followed in many households.
Why do women feel that they are the lesser beings? Why do they feel the need to pick up after their sons and then expect their daughter in laws to follow suit? It is one thing to pamper your kids and it is another to make sure your children become lazy and dependent individuals.
Parents tend to buy their daughters Barbie dolls and kitchen sets and avoid buying them for their sons.
Sons are not expected to put their clothes in the laundry, help their mothers with the cooking and the cleaning or help around the house.
The worse bit is women who have sons feel that they are far superior to women who have daughters.
So all the dirty work is left for the women to do and all the comforts are given to men.
And then we women complain that why our husbands are conditioned a certain way.
The west definitely has made some progress however women in India still need an paradigm shift in the way they think.
Ours is a patriarchal society.
Men are the bread winners and are expected to do just that.
Somewhere we women have to take the blame for the way men are in our society.
We have given birth to them and raised them.
If they think a certain way it is partially because we have conditioned them that way.
We have made them feel superior by making ourselves feel inferior.
Men have egos and we have pampered their egos, as our sons and husbands, by doing things for them and not expecting anything in return.
We are in the 21st century and we still are fighting for our place in our homes let alone the society.
So what I feel is if mothers condition their sons and daughters in a similar fashion the world would be a better place for all of us to live in.
They have to be created by us women.
A guy is a lump, like a doughnut.
So first you gotta get rid of all the stuff his mom did to him.
And then you gotta get rid of all that macho crap they pick up from beer commercials.
And then there's my personal favorite...
the male ego.
"- Roseanne Barr I have heard many women complain about the way their husbands behave.
They are lazy, they don't help around at home with the cleaning or in the kitchen with the cooking, their clothes are lying around, their towels are on the bed, they get irritated at the very thought of changing diapers or taking care of kids all by themselves, they give more importance to cricket and football matches on TV than spend time with their families etc etc etc.
Men can get away with cheating and being irresponsible and women just adjust.
Though this is not a generalization, it is still the reality.
But do we really understand why this happens.
I think I have put a few pieces together on this one.
I remember one of my friends feeling absolutely disgusted when she told me how her 30 year old boyfriend still was fed by his mother.
Shocking!! Women tend to have a very conservative attitude towards men when they think about their sons.
I have seen many a movies where the women of house feed their husbands and sons before they sat down to eat themselves.
I have seen mother in laws feeling bad that their poor sons picked up their own plates after finishing their food.
Also daughter's education and career being sacrificed so that the sons can make their own.
Such culture is still followed in many households.
Why do women feel that they are the lesser beings? Why do they feel the need to pick up after their sons and then expect their daughter in laws to follow suit? It is one thing to pamper your kids and it is another to make sure your children become lazy and dependent individuals.
Parents tend to buy their daughters Barbie dolls and kitchen sets and avoid buying them for their sons.
Sons are not expected to put their clothes in the laundry, help their mothers with the cooking and the cleaning or help around the house.
The worse bit is women who have sons feel that they are far superior to women who have daughters.
So all the dirty work is left for the women to do and all the comforts are given to men.
And then we women complain that why our husbands are conditioned a certain way.
The west definitely has made some progress however women in India still need an paradigm shift in the way they think.
Ours is a patriarchal society.
Men are the bread winners and are expected to do just that.
Somewhere we women have to take the blame for the way men are in our society.
We have given birth to them and raised them.
If they think a certain way it is partially because we have conditioned them that way.
We have made them feel superior by making ourselves feel inferior.
Men have egos and we have pampered their egos, as our sons and husbands, by doing things for them and not expecting anything in return.
We are in the 21st century and we still are fighting for our place in our homes let alone the society.
So what I feel is if mothers condition their sons and daughters in a similar fashion the world would be a better place for all of us to live in.