Basic CPR Training
- There are several types of CPR including hands-only CPR, standard or basic CPR, and health care provider CPR. Hands-only CPR involves a technique that concentrates on chest compressions only and does not include rescue breathing. Standard or basic CPR is a common type of CPR and is taught during most CPR and first aid classes. Basic CPR includes instruction on performing chest compressions and rescue breathing. Health care provider CPR is taught to medical professionals and is more in depth than standard and hands-only CPR.
- Red Crossmilitary red cross image by superkiss from
CPR courses are available through organizations such as the AHA and Red Cross. CPR classes can also be found in the community and may be included during first aid training courses. Classes can be done both on-line and in person. Contact the local chapter of the Red Cross, a local hospital, fire department, or EMS agency to find a CPR class in the area. - Basic CPR training includes learning techniques such as chest compressions and rescue breathing. An individual will be given materials to inform her on how and when to perform CPR including how to determine if an individual is in need of the life-saving technique. CPR mannequins are used to help individuals practice performing chest compressions and rescue breathing. Online courses may offer videos demonstrating proper CPR techniques.
- To become certified in CPR an individual must successfully complete a CPR course. A final written exam is often given to assure the person is knowledgeable about when and how to perform CPR. Demonstrating proper techniques for performing chest compressions and rescue breathing must be done in front of an instructor to obtain CPR certification. A CPR card will be issued to those who pass the course, exam, and demonstrates CPR correctly.
- CPR certification expires after a pre-determined amount of time which is typically 2 years. To maintain certification, an individual must complete and pass a CPR course prior to the current card's expiration date. Renewing a CPR card can also be done either online or in person. CPR techniques and guidelines may change as health care advances. Renewing a CPR card helps ensure that each individual uses the recommended CPR techniques on those in need.
Types of CPR
Finding a CPR Course
Learning CPR Techniques
Becoming CPR Certified
Maintaining CPR Certification