Understanding Stretch Marks And How You Can Prevent And Remove Them
Any form of body scar can have devastating effects on our self esteem.
While stretch marks aren't always that visible it can still have some very negative consequences and many women refuse to wear a bikini because of these scars and marks.
So, where do they come from and how do you get it? Pregnant women are most affected but the real cause of these scars forming is has nothing to do with the pregnancy but rather the nature of our skin.
Our skin is incredibly elastic.
It allows your skin to expand and contract without any problems.
There are however limits to how far it can stretch.
When it stretched beyond that maximum point of elasticity its starts to tear.
These tears usually form in horizontal lines which is what we commonly know as stretch marks.
Pregnant women are affected simply because their body expands rapidly and to an extreme level.
Women who expect twins are usually badly affected but its not limited to pregnancy either.
When you gain weight quickly it can have exactly the same consequences.
Rapid weight gain usually happens among teenagers as they hit puberty or with bodybuilders when they over train in combination with supplements.
So, how can you get rid of these scars? Well, scars can be very hard to get rid off because its such a deep damage in the skin tissue.
Surgery and laser treatments are probably the quickest solutions although its really expensive.
Using a good stretch mark removal cream is a very good solution but it does take time.
Eventually you can completely remove the scars but results vary greatly depending on your skin type.
While stretch marks aren't always that visible it can still have some very negative consequences and many women refuse to wear a bikini because of these scars and marks.
So, where do they come from and how do you get it? Pregnant women are most affected but the real cause of these scars forming is has nothing to do with the pregnancy but rather the nature of our skin.
Our skin is incredibly elastic.
It allows your skin to expand and contract without any problems.
There are however limits to how far it can stretch.
When it stretched beyond that maximum point of elasticity its starts to tear.
These tears usually form in horizontal lines which is what we commonly know as stretch marks.
Pregnant women are affected simply because their body expands rapidly and to an extreme level.
Women who expect twins are usually badly affected but its not limited to pregnancy either.
When you gain weight quickly it can have exactly the same consequences.
Rapid weight gain usually happens among teenagers as they hit puberty or with bodybuilders when they over train in combination with supplements.
So, how can you get rid of these scars? Well, scars can be very hard to get rid off because its such a deep damage in the skin tissue.
Surgery and laser treatments are probably the quickest solutions although its really expensive.
Using a good stretch mark removal cream is a very good solution but it does take time.
Eventually you can completely remove the scars but results vary greatly depending on your skin type.