How to Make a Painting Appear to Have Depth
- 1). Overlap objects to show that they are closer to the viewer. Paint trees or people in front of other forms in the image. Paint these images larger depending on how close or far they are from both the viewer and the other forms in the painting. Use greater detail in the larger objects.
- 2). Use shading to create space. Mix several colors beginning with the color of the form you wish to shade and darken each subsequent color until you have an adequate range. Use lighter tones on the areas only lightly shaded and darker tones where the shadows are heavier. Use the same imaginary light source throughout the painting.
- 3). Add softer cool colors to forms far in the distant such as mountains. Make each subsequent form slightly more blue than the last. Lessen the contrast and detail; this creates the feeling of atmosphere. Use brighter, warmer colors for images in the foreground.
- 4). Paint objects that are closer to the viewer near the bottom of the painting and objects that are farther away near the middle and top, if painting outdoors. Utilize ceilings and floors in indoor paintings by painting the ceiling at a downward angle and the floor at an upward angle.