How Wine Sellers And Collectors Can Benefit From Self Storage
Wine tastes even better the longer it is stored.
For this to happen, however, one needs to keep the wines in an appropriate area and the self storage facilities are an ideal choice if you have this drink that you want to age for several more years for it to reach its full maturity.
If you're a business owner selling wines or simply a wine collector, you now have a choice when it comes to storage space.
As there are now many facilities in place, there should be one near your home or office.
A self storage unit can become your offsite wine cellar.
What Type to Choose The best type of storage space is the climate controlled unit to ensure that wines age at the right rate and to achieve their best taste.
Keep in mind that wines should not be exposed to extreme changes in temperature.
This is to prevent a change in its taste and even color.
Heat can also increase the aging process of the drink.
With a unit wherein the temperature is kept at a steady level, the wines will be better preserved.
If this is achieved, business owners have every opportunity to profit from their products while wine collectors can enjoy their favorite drink any time they feel like consuming it.
Different types of wine require different temperature.
Red wines, for instance, should be kept at approximately 55 degrees Fahrenheit while the white wines can be stored at a lower temperature.
Other than temperature, the humidity level of the storage space should also be maintained at a steady level.
Wine collectors and sellers need to be aware of the ideal humidity level ranging from 55 to 85 percent to ensure that the corks are moist and that the bottles are airtight seal.
Putting the bottles on their sides instead of positioning them upright is strongly recommended to achieve a moist cork at all times.
Another important thing to remember when storing wines is to keep them in the dark.
The reason for this is that when exposed to direct sunlight or even just fluorescent light, the taste of the wine can be adversely affected.
So when you're storing your wines, keep the lights out at all times.
What Benefits to Gain There are many benefits to enjoy when using self storage facilities to keep your wine collection or inventory.
Firstly, they're a cheaper alternative than purchasing a wine cabinet or opting for a wine cellar which can cost thousands of dollars.
A cabinet alone can cost from $2,000 or higher while installing a wine cellar can cost tens of thousands of dollars.
But with a self storage unit, did you know that you can rent it for as low as only $9 every month? In addition, you can rent the space for the long term depending on your needs.
Secondly, it is best to keep your wines in a safe and climate controlled location particularly if you don't have the appropriate space and equipment.
With a little investment, you can be sure to enjoy great tasting wine with your family and friends or sell them at the right price without worrying about storage space in your home or business office.
For this to happen, however, one needs to keep the wines in an appropriate area and the self storage facilities are an ideal choice if you have this drink that you want to age for several more years for it to reach its full maturity.
If you're a business owner selling wines or simply a wine collector, you now have a choice when it comes to storage space.
As there are now many facilities in place, there should be one near your home or office.
A self storage unit can become your offsite wine cellar.
What Type to Choose The best type of storage space is the climate controlled unit to ensure that wines age at the right rate and to achieve their best taste.
Keep in mind that wines should not be exposed to extreme changes in temperature.
This is to prevent a change in its taste and even color.
Heat can also increase the aging process of the drink.
With a unit wherein the temperature is kept at a steady level, the wines will be better preserved.
If this is achieved, business owners have every opportunity to profit from their products while wine collectors can enjoy their favorite drink any time they feel like consuming it.
Different types of wine require different temperature.
Red wines, for instance, should be kept at approximately 55 degrees Fahrenheit while the white wines can be stored at a lower temperature.
Other than temperature, the humidity level of the storage space should also be maintained at a steady level.
Wine collectors and sellers need to be aware of the ideal humidity level ranging from 55 to 85 percent to ensure that the corks are moist and that the bottles are airtight seal.
Putting the bottles on their sides instead of positioning them upright is strongly recommended to achieve a moist cork at all times.
Another important thing to remember when storing wines is to keep them in the dark.
The reason for this is that when exposed to direct sunlight or even just fluorescent light, the taste of the wine can be adversely affected.
So when you're storing your wines, keep the lights out at all times.
What Benefits to Gain There are many benefits to enjoy when using self storage facilities to keep your wine collection or inventory.
Firstly, they're a cheaper alternative than purchasing a wine cabinet or opting for a wine cellar which can cost thousands of dollars.
A cabinet alone can cost from $2,000 or higher while installing a wine cellar can cost tens of thousands of dollars.
But with a self storage unit, did you know that you can rent it for as low as only $9 every month? In addition, you can rent the space for the long term depending on your needs.
Secondly, it is best to keep your wines in a safe and climate controlled location particularly if you don't have the appropriate space and equipment.
With a little investment, you can be sure to enjoy great tasting wine with your family and friends or sell them at the right price without worrying about storage space in your home or business office.