The Sun Will Not Shine
The sun may not shine tomorrow
The dark dungeons may not allow
Any sun beam to enter prison wall
The world has last day to call
The end may be very slow
I shall be buried deep below
No more pain and blows
It will be nice in gallows
Only almighty has right to snatch the life
Who can cut throat with blade or knife?
Only butcher or murderer can do at will
Otherwise it is deliberate and intentional kill
I am charged with gruesome murder
No one heard my plea when surrendered
The dark clouds were striking harder on that day
The lightening was fast and heavier to mislead you the way
I don't know what really went wrong
The night was frightening and gave a loud bang
It was unusual and very strange
I was surging ahead but with difficulty to manage
The man was lying before me in pools of blood
The rainy water was increasing and resulting in flood
I just ushered in to see what actually had gone bad
I could see dead person and felt so sad
So many hands pounced on me and made prisoner
Everyone refused my story and declined to be listener
I had all the evidences against me to prove their point
I was given severe beating causing heavy pain in joints
How could be they be inhumane on the name of human?
Why do they consider us animal in the shape of man or woman?
What have we done to be called a blot on humanity?
Are we to be condemned with total disregard to the dignity?
It is living hell on this beautiful earth
Prisoners are leading animal life awaiting death
Who knows what type of treatment can be meted out to them?
Till there are enough of witnesses and circumstantial evidences to frame?
I know for sure that I will die unheard
There will not a murmur or single sympathetic word
No one may shed the tear to mark the memory
Only I have to feel pity and very sorry
There is natural justice for innocent
Some of the judgments are very fresh and recent
"Not one innocent is to be hanged let hundred get freed"
The justice can not be blind and depend on wrongly feed
I am not sure of any outcome
The God is great and any verdict is welcome
I have full faith in His judgment
There is nothing as such to lament
The dark dungeons may not allow
Any sun beam to enter prison wall
The world has last day to call
The end may be very slow
I shall be buried deep below
No more pain and blows
It will be nice in gallows
Only almighty has right to snatch the life
Who can cut throat with blade or knife?
Only butcher or murderer can do at will
Otherwise it is deliberate and intentional kill
I am charged with gruesome murder
No one heard my plea when surrendered
The dark clouds were striking harder on that day
The lightening was fast and heavier to mislead you the way
I don't know what really went wrong
The night was frightening and gave a loud bang
It was unusual and very strange
I was surging ahead but with difficulty to manage
The man was lying before me in pools of blood
The rainy water was increasing and resulting in flood
I just ushered in to see what actually had gone bad
I could see dead person and felt so sad
So many hands pounced on me and made prisoner
Everyone refused my story and declined to be listener
I had all the evidences against me to prove their point
I was given severe beating causing heavy pain in joints
How could be they be inhumane on the name of human?
Why do they consider us animal in the shape of man or woman?
What have we done to be called a blot on humanity?
Are we to be condemned with total disregard to the dignity?
It is living hell on this beautiful earth
Prisoners are leading animal life awaiting death
Who knows what type of treatment can be meted out to them?
Till there are enough of witnesses and circumstantial evidences to frame?
I know for sure that I will die unheard
There will not a murmur or single sympathetic word
No one may shed the tear to mark the memory
Only I have to feel pity and very sorry
There is natural justice for innocent
Some of the judgments are very fresh and recent
"Not one innocent is to be hanged let hundred get freed"
The justice can not be blind and depend on wrongly feed
I am not sure of any outcome
The God is great and any verdict is welcome
I have full faith in His judgment
There is nothing as such to lament