Intensive Night Cream - Looking For Safer And More Effective Options To Protect Your Best Asset
Did you know that the AHAs (alpha hydroxyl acids) are coming in for quite a bit of criticism recently? If your intensive night cream contains any of these, be careful.
The main one used is glycol acid, so look out for it.
So, why the concern? Actually glycolic acid is worrying the FDA and the European Union.
The EU is streets ahead in getting this banned from skincare products, at least.
The main concern seems to be about the concentration of this particular agent.
Let me explain better.
As a peeling agent, it can strip away the dead skin cells and leave fresh new skin in its place.
The only problem is that there is so much debate about the right concentration that many people feel that less than 10% is not effective.
Then there are those companies which may be tempted to put in more than 10% but are afraid of class action law cases which could ruin them financially and from a marketing point of view.
Because of the debate on its safety I would feel very uneasy about glycolic acid especially as the concentration is not usually mentioned on the label.
As common side effects range from stinging, burning and swelling of skin, scientists are actually worried that with some repeated use over time, the defensive barriers of the skin will be penetrated and broken down, leading to a weaker and more vulnerable epidermis.
It is a well known fact that after you use AHAs, you have to be very careful about sun exposure.
In the long term, it seems that the risks of sun damage and even skin cancer could be increased.
So what are the safer and more effective options to protect your best asset? Let us look at the serious companies and what they are offering now in their intensive night cream.
First, they forget about AHAs, mineral oils, alcohols and of course the preserving agents known as parabens and the fragrances.
So what are these safer companies using instead? The good news is that they have sourced all their ingredients from plants, flowers, trees and clay.
Then, any synthetics they are using have passed all the safety tests.
The harmful ones are simply replaced with the safe ones.
This means in practice that all the ingredients are so skin friendly or bio-available that they can get to work on the skin straightaway.
It also means that they can work at deeper cellular level and get rid of wrinkles by increasing collagen and moisturizing effectively.
How does that sound as a safe intensive night cream? I can tell you that the company I found actually has a six month guarantee because it is so confident that none of these ingredients will actually cause you irritation or lead to an allergy.
That is a guarantee in itself for me.
Why not discover more about all this and forget the mainstream companies with their doubtful ingredients and mediocre results.
A safer and more effective intensive night cream to protect your best asset is just a click away!
The main one used is glycol acid, so look out for it.
So, why the concern? Actually glycolic acid is worrying the FDA and the European Union.
The EU is streets ahead in getting this banned from skincare products, at least.
The main concern seems to be about the concentration of this particular agent.
Let me explain better.
As a peeling agent, it can strip away the dead skin cells and leave fresh new skin in its place.
The only problem is that there is so much debate about the right concentration that many people feel that less than 10% is not effective.
Then there are those companies which may be tempted to put in more than 10% but are afraid of class action law cases which could ruin them financially and from a marketing point of view.
Because of the debate on its safety I would feel very uneasy about glycolic acid especially as the concentration is not usually mentioned on the label.
As common side effects range from stinging, burning and swelling of skin, scientists are actually worried that with some repeated use over time, the defensive barriers of the skin will be penetrated and broken down, leading to a weaker and more vulnerable epidermis.
It is a well known fact that after you use AHAs, you have to be very careful about sun exposure.
In the long term, it seems that the risks of sun damage and even skin cancer could be increased.
So what are the safer and more effective options to protect your best asset? Let us look at the serious companies and what they are offering now in their intensive night cream.
First, they forget about AHAs, mineral oils, alcohols and of course the preserving agents known as parabens and the fragrances.
So what are these safer companies using instead? The good news is that they have sourced all their ingredients from plants, flowers, trees and clay.
Then, any synthetics they are using have passed all the safety tests.
The harmful ones are simply replaced with the safe ones.
This means in practice that all the ingredients are so skin friendly or bio-available that they can get to work on the skin straightaway.
It also means that they can work at deeper cellular level and get rid of wrinkles by increasing collagen and moisturizing effectively.
How does that sound as a safe intensive night cream? I can tell you that the company I found actually has a six month guarantee because it is so confident that none of these ingredients will actually cause you irritation or lead to an allergy.
That is a guarantee in itself for me.
Why not discover more about all this and forget the mainstream companies with their doubtful ingredients and mediocre results.
A safer and more effective intensive night cream to protect your best asset is just a click away!