Alkalize Your Body - How to Obtain and Maintain an Alkaline Body pH
Alkalize your body to fight off disease, bacteria and viruses.
These nuisances cannot thrive in a properly balanced body-one with the proper alkaline pH.
To begin, purchase some pH test strips.
I have found that testing urine is more accurate than testing saliva but most strips will work for both.
Purchase pH strips online or pHydrion brand strips are available at many health food stores.
I get mine from Amazon.
(pH ion Balance brand).
How to obtain and maintain an alkaline body pH 1) Test your urine pH first thing in the morning and compare to the chart on the package.
The optimum level is 6.
OngoingTesting is the key to alkalizing your body.
2) An acidic body requires adding more alkaline foods to your diet.
An acid pH indicates that you do not have an ample amount of alkaline buffers needed to counteract the acid produced by your body.
Causes of an acid pH are acidic foods and drinks, stress, anxiety, pollution and contaminants.
Eat 80% alkaline foods and 20% less alkaline foods.
3) Keep a daily journal of your pH test results, the foods you eat and what you drink.
Include the time of each pH test and the time and contents of what you eat and drink.
Wait two hours after eating before you test your pH again.
Test your pH often throughout the day and again before you go to bed.
Do this for 12 weeks or as long as it takes for your results to consistently fall in the optimum range and to properly alkalize your body.
4) Exercise moderately enough to break a sweat.
Breaking a sweat is the key to releasing toxins/ acids.
Overdoing it results in creating even more lactic acid for your body to filter out.
You should feel good and have a feeling of well being after exercise-not weak or worn out.
Exercising can help you alkalize quicker.
5) Drink 3/4 - 1 ounce of alkaline antioxidant water per pound of body weight.
3-5 quarts of water may seem like a lot if you are not a water drinker, however this helps to detoxify your body so you can reach your pH goals.
Initially your first morning pH test may be acidic.
This is a reflection of what you consumed the day before and how well your body filters it.
If you are very acidic, this may be very alarming to you.
However, knowing and fixing it is better than not knowing and not fixing it.
Expect your pH to fluctuate in the beginning.
This is part of the process and the purpose of keeping a journal.
Take responsibility for your health-obtaining and maintaining an alkaline body pH will reward you well!
These nuisances cannot thrive in a properly balanced body-one with the proper alkaline pH.
To begin, purchase some pH test strips.
I have found that testing urine is more accurate than testing saliva but most strips will work for both.
Purchase pH strips online or pHydrion brand strips are available at many health food stores.
I get mine from Amazon.
(pH ion Balance brand).
How to obtain and maintain an alkaline body pH 1) Test your urine pH first thing in the morning and compare to the chart on the package.
The optimum level is 6.
OngoingTesting is the key to alkalizing your body.
2) An acidic body requires adding more alkaline foods to your diet.
An acid pH indicates that you do not have an ample amount of alkaline buffers needed to counteract the acid produced by your body.
Causes of an acid pH are acidic foods and drinks, stress, anxiety, pollution and contaminants.
Eat 80% alkaline foods and 20% less alkaline foods.
3) Keep a daily journal of your pH test results, the foods you eat and what you drink.
Include the time of each pH test and the time and contents of what you eat and drink.
Wait two hours after eating before you test your pH again.
Test your pH often throughout the day and again before you go to bed.
Do this for 12 weeks or as long as it takes for your results to consistently fall in the optimum range and to properly alkalize your body.
4) Exercise moderately enough to break a sweat.
Breaking a sweat is the key to releasing toxins/ acids.
Overdoing it results in creating even more lactic acid for your body to filter out.
You should feel good and have a feeling of well being after exercise-not weak or worn out.
Exercising can help you alkalize quicker.
5) Drink 3/4 - 1 ounce of alkaline antioxidant water per pound of body weight.
3-5 quarts of water may seem like a lot if you are not a water drinker, however this helps to detoxify your body so you can reach your pH goals.
Initially your first morning pH test may be acidic.
This is a reflection of what you consumed the day before and how well your body filters it.
If you are very acidic, this may be very alarming to you.
However, knowing and fixing it is better than not knowing and not fixing it.
Expect your pH to fluctuate in the beginning.
This is part of the process and the purpose of keeping a journal.
Take responsibility for your health-obtaining and maintaining an alkaline body pH will reward you well!