How Cold Should My AC Be?
- Basic air conditioning units perform two main functions. They remove heat and moisture from the air. The heat removal is evident in the cool air output. You will notice that there is a water drip tray somewhere on your AC unit, usually on the bottom. This collects excess moisture as it is removed from the air. The majority of the humidity is pushed outside by the AC unit, but the drip pan collects the extra moisture and needs to be emptied and cleaned periodically.
- You should wait to turn your air conditioning on until the outside temperature reaches above at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit and stays there for at least 48 hours. It is important to understand that you can possibly cause damage to your air conditioning unit if you are running it while the outside temperature is below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. This low temperature range can damage the compressor.
- Set your air conditioner thermostat to 76 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit. You can set it cooler if that is your preference. If you use your air conditioner often or have set it to a low temperature setting, such as 68 degrees Fahrenheit, you will be using more electricity to run the unit. This in turn will raise your electricity cost, which will be evident when you get your electricity bill. Keep this in mind as you reach for the thermostat.
- To get the most out of your AC unit and keep the cost down, shut the AC vents in rooms that are not being used and keep the temperature setting a bit higher. You will also want to keep outside doors and windows closed to keep the air temperature at the optimal level.